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Meaning of the Name Dore

66 names found for "Dore"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Dore is of Greek, French origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: A Gift
French: Blonde

Similar Names

Daire | Dar | Dara | Dare | Dareh | Dary | D'Ary | Dhoire | Doire | Dor |

Related Names

Abed  (Muslim)
Worshipper. Adorer
Abid  (Islamic)
Worshipper, Adorer, Devout (Abidullah)
Abida  (Muslim)
Worshippess. Adoress
Adorabella  (Latin)
Adored Beauty
Adorabelle  (Latin)
Adored Beauty
Adoree  (Latin)
Adorlee  (French)
Ashiq  (Islamic)
Dorea  (Greek)
Of the Sea
Dorean  (Greek)
Variant of Dorian: Place Name in Greece
Doree  (Greek)
Variant of Doris Meaning Gift. Doris Was Mythological Daughter of the Sea God Oceanus
Doreen  (Celtic)
Doreen  (Greek)
Gift of God (Dorothy, Reen, Rene)
Doreen  (French)
Doreen  (Greek)
Doreen  (Gaelic)
Doreen  (Irish)
A Variant of Doirean, Derived from a Celtic Word Meaning Sullen
Doreen  (English)
Variant of Dorothy or Dorothea, Meaning Gift of God
Doreena  (Celtic)
Dorek  (Polish)
Gift from God
Dorelia  (Greek)
Doren  (Hebrew)
Dorene  (Gaelic)
Dorene  (French)
Doretta  (Greek)
Dorette  (English)
Variant of Dora: Originally a Diminutive of Dorothea, Dorothy, or Any Name Ending in -dora. it Has Become Common As a Name on Its Own. Famous Bearer: William Wordsworth's Daughter Was Known in Later L
Dorette  (Greek)
Dorothy  (Greek)
Gift of God (Dorita, Dorothea, Dotty, Dora, Doreen)
Fedyenka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Theodore 'Gift from God'
Fyodor  (Russian)
Russian Form of Theodore 'Gift from God'
Gertrude  (German)
Adored Warrior
Guiderius  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' Son to Cymbeline, Disguised Under the Name of Polydore, a Supposed Son to Belarius
Isadora  (Greek)
Gift of Isis (This Name is Greek Even Though Isis is an Egyptian Deity). Feminine Variant of Isidore. Famous Bearer: Dancer Isadora Duncan (-)
Isadore  (Greek)
Gift of Isis
Isadorer  (Greek)
Strong Gift
Isidore  (Greek)
Strong Gift. Gift of Isis (This Name is Greek, Even Though Isis is an Egyptian Deity). St Isidore of Seville Tried to Convert Spanish Jews to Christianity During the Th Century
Isidore  (Greek)
Strong Gift, Practical, Greedy, Impatient
Ma'bood  (Muslim)
Variant of Ma'Bud: Worshipped. Adored
Ma'bud  (Muslim)
Worshipped. Adored
Salvador  (Latin)
To Be Saved, the Savior (Sal, Salvadore, Salvator, Salvatore)
Salvadore  (Spanish)
Sebastene  (Greek)
Sebastiana  (Greek)
Sebastienne  (Greek)
Ted  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. Also an Abbreviation of Theodore
Tedd  (English)
Abbreviation of Theodore
Teddie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Theodore: God-given. Famous Bearer: Th Century U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt
Teddie  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. Also an Abbreviation of Theodore
66 names found for "Dore"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

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