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Meaning of the Name Doreen

The first name Doreen is of Irish, Gaelic, Greek, French, Celtic, English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: A Variant of Doirean, Derived from a Celtic Word Meaning Sullen
Gaelic: Ann
Greek: Beautiful
French: Blonde
Greek: Gift of God (Dorothy, Reen, Rene)
Celtic: Moody
English: Variant of Dorothy or Dorothea, Meaning Gift of God

Similar Names

Daren | Darien | Darren | Derren | Doran | Dorean | Doren | Dorian | Dorien | Dorion |

Related Names

Doreena  (Celtic)
Dorothy  (Greek)
Gift of God (Dorita, Dorothea, Dotty, Dora, Doreen)

Additional Names

Agapios | Caries | Kireet | Kisa | Miakoda | Lisha | Manmath | Saaim | Cass | Alodie | Brayden | Alejandro | Constantios | Jesimae | Weeko |