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Meaning of the Name Dorkas

The first name Dorkas is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Gazelle

Similar Names

Dorcas | Dorika | Doris | Dorris |

Related Names

Dorcas  (English)
A Gazelle, a Doe; Derived from the Greek Dorkas. The Name is Also Used to Anglicize Gaelic Deoiridh (Pilgrim). (Dor-kahs)

Additional Names

Nadha | Divodas | Wlader | Qabil | Thaddeus | Jaddua | Amo | Halirrhothius | Shittim | Corliss | Karrin | Giollabrighde | Dena | Lacie | Gairbith |