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Meaning of the Name Douglas

The first name Douglas is of Scottish, Shakespearean, Celtic/Gaelic, Celtic, Anglo Saxon, English, Irish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: From the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River. The Scottish Douglas Clan Had Two Historical Branches: (Black Douglases and Red Douglases.) the Lords of These Clans
Scottish: Surname Derived from the Gaelic Elements Dubh (Black, Dark) and Glas (Blue, Green, Gray; Stream). Dubhglas Was a Common Celtic River Name, and the Surname Might Have Originated to Denote One Who Lived
Shakespearean: 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Archibald, the Earl of Douglas
Scottish: From the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River. The Scottish Douglas Clan Had Two Historical Branches: (Black Douglases and Red Douglases.) the Lords of These Clans
Celtic/Gaelic: Flowing from the Dark River
Celtic: Dwells by the Dark Stream
Anglo Saxon: Dweller by the Dark Stream
English: Dark Water. in the Seventeenth Century, This Name Was As Popular for Girls As for Boys
Irish: Dark Stranger
Celtic: Dark Grey, Graceful, Handsome, Talented, Makes Many Friends

Similar Names

Doughlas | Douglass | Dughlas |

Related Names

Archibald  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' the Earl of Douglas
Doggie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Doggie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Doogie  (English)
Diminutive of Douglas: Dark Water. in the Seventeenth Century, This Name Was As Popular for Girls As for Boys
Doug  (English)
Diminutive of Douglas: Dark Water. in the Seventeenth Century, This Name Was As Popular for Girls As for Boys
Doug  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Doug  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Douglas
Doug  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Dougie  (English)
Diminutive of Douglas: Dark Water. in the Seventeenth Century, This Name Was As Popular for Girls As for Boys
Dougie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Dougie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Douglass  (Scottish)
From the Dark River. The Scottish Douglas Clan Had Two Historical Branches: (Black Douglases and Red Douglases.) the Lords of These Clans Figure in Sir Walter Scott's Novels
Douglass  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Douglas
Douglass  (English)
Variant of Douglas: Dark Water. in the Seventeenth Century, This Name Was As Popular for Girls As for Boys
Dubhghlas  (Gaelic)
A Compound Name Composed of the Elements Dubh (Black, Dark) and Glas (Blue, Green, Gray; Stream). See Also: Douglas
Kirk  (Norse)
Church. Dwells at the Church. Famous Bearer: American Actor Kirk Douglas

Additional Names

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