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Names That Mean Earl

476 names found for "Earl"   (page 8 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Earl? We couldn't find the exact name Earl, but listed below are some first names meaning Earl or names similar to the word Earl.

Similar Names

Earle | Earlie | Early | Eorl | Erel | Erl | Erle | Erol | Errol | Erryl |

Related Names

Meave  (Irish)
Joy. The Name of an Early Queen of Connaught
Meeghan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meg  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Meg  (Greek)
Diminutive of Margaret: Pearl
Megan  (English)
Precious One, Soft, Gentle, Pearl; Variations: Meggie. Origin: Celtic, Gaelic
Megan  (Greek)
Variant of Margaret: Pearl
Megara  (Greek)
Megdn  (Irish)
Meggan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meggie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Margaret: Pearl
Meggy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Margaret: Pearl
Meghan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Meghan  (Irish)
Meghan  (Greek)
Meghan  (Welsh)
Mererid  (Welsh)
Meta  (Greek)
Variant of Margaret: Pearl
Metta  (Scandinavian)
From Margareta, Pearl
Mettalise  (Danish)
Graceful Pearl
Mette  (Greek)
Mette  (Danish)
A Pearl
Miranda  (Latin)
To Be Admired, Gentle, Unassuming, Beautiful, Suited for an Early Marriage
Montgomery  (French)
Mountain Belonging to the Ruler. Surname of Numerous English and Scottish Earls
Moosaa Kaaiim  (Muslim)
Variant of Musa Kaim: Early Imam (Leader) of Islam
Morna  (Celtic)
Dearly Loved or Tender
Mortimer  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Earl of March. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Sir John Mortimer, Uncle to the Duke of York
Muhammad Taqqee  (Muslim)
Variant of Muhammad Taqqi: Early Imam (Leader) of Islam
Muhammad Taqqi  (Muslim)
Early Imam (Leader) of Islam
Musa Kaim  (Muslim)
Early Imam (Leader) of Islam
Mysie  (Scottish)
Variant of Maisie: Scottish Diminutive Form of Margaret: Pearl, Child of Light
Nadha  (Islamic)
A Drop of Water on a Flower/An Early Morning Moisture
Nadir  (Arabic)
Dearly Loved
Nageena  (Muslim)
Variant of Nagina: Gem. Pearl
Nagina  (Muslim)
Gem. Pearl
Nirbheet  (Hindu)
Northumberland  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, and ' Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland. 'King Henry Vi, Part Iii' Earl of Northumberland 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Siward, Earl of Northumberland, English General, and Young Siward,
Owen  (Celtic)
Lamb, or Young Warrior, Fearless, Faithful, Imaginative, Has Many Friends
Oxford  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Earl of Oxford. 'King Richard Iii' Earl of Oxford
Parmashta  (Biblical)
A Yearling Bull
Paul  (English)
Little. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
Paul  (French)
Little. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
Paul  (Latin)
Little; Small. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books. Before Converting to Christianity at Damascus, Paul Had Been Involved in the Brutal
Pearl  (Latin)
Pearl  (Greek)
Pearl, Form of Margaret (Perle, Pearla, Pearlie)
Pearl  (English)
Pearl (After the Name of the Semi-precious Jewel)
Pearl  (Latin)
A Gem of the Sea
Pearla  (Latin)
Pearle  (Latin)
Pearlie  (Latin)
Pearlie  (English)
Diminutive of Pearl: Pearl (After the Name of the Semi-precious Jewel)
476 names found for "Earl"   (page 8 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Orlege | Samlah | Ola | Kaia | Carissa | Ono | Jacobus | Amal | Diana | Dirk | Dieter | Achaeus | Yerucham | Dagmar | Babette |