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Meaning of the Name Earna

The first name Earna is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Eagle

Similar Names

Earm | Earnan | Ern | Ernan | Erno | Earwyna | Erina | Erma | Erna |

Related Names

Bearnard  (Scottish)
Bear Strong
Bearnard  (Scottish)
Bold or Strong As a Bear; Gaelic Form of Bernard
Bearnard  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Bernard
Bearnas  (Gaelic)
Bringer of Victory; Gaelic Form of Berenice. (Bear-nus)
Cearnach  (Gaelic)
Cearnach  (Irish)
Earnan  (Irish)
Tighearnach  (Irish)

Additional Names

Norbert | Ruchira | Nancy | Roscoe | Dorothy | Matoskah | Con | Edlyn | Laurel | Maizah | Rupak | Candice | Gillien | Ko | Gabor |