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Names That Mean Ector

339 names found for "Ector"   (page 7 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Ector? We couldn't find the exact name Ector, but listed below are some first names meaning Ector or names similar to the word Ector.

Similar Names

Ektor | Ester |

Related Names

Vilhelm  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of William 'Determined Protector'
Vilhelmina  (Swedish)
Determined Protector
Viljo  (Finnish)
Resolute Protector
Vilma  (Swedish)
Determined Protector
Vilma  (Russian)
Resolute Protector
Vilma  (Russian)
Russian Form of Wilma: Determined Protector
Vilmaris  (Greek)
Protector from the Sea
Vishnu  (Hindu)
Protector of the Worlds
Waite  (English)
Waldmunt  (German)
Mighty Protector
Walmond  (German)
Mighty Protector
Warner  (German)
Protector of the People; Defending Warrior
Warren  (German)
Protector; Loyal. Famous Bearrer: Actor Warren Beatty
Wileen  (Teutonic)
Resolute Protector
Wilhelmina  (Dutch)
Resolute Protector. Feminine Variant of William
Wilhelmina  (German)
'Resolute Protector.' Feminine Variant of William
Wilhelmine  (Danish)
Resolute Protector
Wilhelmine  (German)
Resolute Protector
Will  (English)
Diminutive of William 'Resolute Protector; Will.'
Willa  (Latin)
Willem  (Dutch)
Resolute Protector; Will
Willette  (Teutonic)
Determined Protector, Feminine Form of William
William  (French)
Determined Protector
William  (English)
William  (English)
Resolute Protector; Short Forms: Will. Pet Name: Willy. (Wil-yum)
William  (English)
Resolute Protector; Will. for a Long Time After the Norman Conquest in A.D. Many English Boys Were Given Some Form of William the Conquer's Name. The Firstborn Son of Prince Charles is Named William
William  (German)
Resolute Protector; Will. for a Long Time After the Norman Conquest in A.D. Many English Boys Were Given Some Form of William the Conquer's Name. William. The Firstborn Son of Prince Charles is Named
Williams  (German)
Resolute Protector; Will. Surname
Willis  (English)
Resolute Protector; Will. Surname
Willis  (German)
Resolute Protector; Will. Surname
Willy  (English)
Diminutive of William or Any Names Begining With 'Will-' ; 'Resolute Protector; Will.'
Wilma  (German)
Wilma  (Dutch)
Resolute Protector. Feminine Variant of William
Wilma  (German)
'Resolute Protector.' Feminine Variant of William
Wilmet  (German)
Xantara  (American)
Protector of the Earth
Yashpal  (Indian)
protector of fame
Zacchaeus  (Hebrew)
Clean; Pure. in the Bible Zacchaeus Was a Tax Collector Who Became a Disciples of Jesus. This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc
Zareh  (Armenian)
339 names found for "Ector"   (page 7 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Stefanya | Dallas | Geoffrey | Anthony | Gratian | Francessca | Fraser | Mattenai | MacRay | Verna | Wichell | Delmer | Rex | Daric | Serena |