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Names That Mean Elina

91 names found for "Elina"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Elina? We couldn't find the exact name Elina, but listed below are some first names meaning Elina or names similar to the word Elina.

Similar Names

Elan | Eliam | Elienai | Elim | Elne | Elon | Eloni | Elwin | Eilena | Elain |

Related Names

Evelina  (Russian)
Evelina  (Latin)
Latinized Form of the Old German Name Avelina. Famous Bearer: Fanny Burney's Novel 'Evelina'
Evelina  (Italian)
Italian Form of Evelyn: Gives Life
Evelina  (French)
Fruit of Wisdom (Eveleen, Evelina, Eveline, Evelyn)
Evelina  (English)
Form of Evelyn: Life
Eveline  (Latin)
Variant of Evelina: Latinized Form of the Old German Name Avelina
Evelyn  (French)
Life. Variant of Evelina: from the Old French 'Aveline' Meaning Hazelnut. A Male Surname in Modern Use As a Given Name
Evelyn  (Latin)
Variant of Evelina: Latinized Form of the Old German Name Avelina
Fidelina  (Latin)
Fidelina  (Spanish)
Little Faithful One
Jaquelina  (Hebrew)
Jocelina  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Jocelina  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Jocelina  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Jorgelina  (English)
Variant of Georgina
Jorgelina  (Latin)
Variant of Georgina
Madelina  (French)
Diminutive of Madeleine: Woman of Magdala. Tower
Makelina  (Hawaiian)
From Magdelene
Mandelina  (American)
Marcelina  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Melanie  (Greek)
Dark-haired or Dark-complexioned Woman (Melly, Mellie, Melina)
Melina  (Latin)
Melina  (Greek)
Bright Yellow
Melina  (Greek)
Yellow As a Canary
Melina  (Greek)
Canary-yellow Color
Michaelina  (Hebrew)
Close to God
Odelina  (Anglo Saxon)
Little Wealthy One
Odelina  (German)
Elfin Spear
Pamelina  (Latin)
Made of Honey
Salena  (Greek)
Variant of Selina: Moon Goddess
Salina  (Greek)
Variant of Selina: Moon Goddess
Selena  (Greek)
Moon (Selina)
Selena  (Greek)
Variant of Selina: Moon Goddess
Selina  (Greek)
Moon Goddess
Selina  (Greek)
Selina  (Greek)
Moon, Gentle, Yielding, Wistful
Selina  (French)
Variant of Celine: French Form of the Latin 'Caelum' Meaning Sky or Heaven. Also a Variant of Celia or Selena
Unelina  (Latin)
Vlada  (Russian)
Owner, Ruler (Vlastelina)
Wendelina  (Teutonic)
Zelina  (Greek)
91 names found for "Elina"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Kirjath | Sinclair | Stavros | Innes | Timon | Maribell | Bruce | Tito | Muhaddith | Hannalee | Davis | Teo | Edensaw | Bride | Shakti |