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Meaning of the Name Ellie

The first name Ellie is of French, English, Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Diminutive of Eleanor: a Variant of Helen Introduced into Britain in Th Century Ad by King Henry Ii's Wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine
English: Diminutive of Ellen: a Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman
Greek: Light

Similar Names

Eli | Elia | Elie | Eliel | Ella | Elle | Ellee | Elli | Ellia | Elly |

Related Names

Betonim  (Biblical)
Betonim  (Biblical)
Eleanor  (French)
Mercy, or Full of Mercy (Ella, Ellen, Ellie,
Eli  (Norwegian)
Light (Elli, Ellie, Elly)
Ellidh  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Ellie, Which is a Pet Form of Any of the Various Names Beginning With the Element El-. Anglicization: Ailie, Helen. (El-lee)
Elvira  (German)
To Close Up (Ellie, Elly, Elva, Nvera, Elvina)
Helen  (Greek)
Light, Elegant, Gentle, Cultured (Helena, Nelly, Nellie, Eleanor, Ellen, Eileen, Lenore)
Holly  (Anglo Saxon)
For the Holly Bush (Holly, Hellie)
Kellie  (Irish)
Variant of Kelly: War. Lively. Aggressive. an Irish Surname That Has Only Been Used As a First Name (Either Gender) in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Kellie  (Gaelic)
Kellie  (Scottish)
Variant of Kelly: Wood. Surname and Place Name That Has Only Been Used As a First Name (Either Gender) in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Kellie  (Irish)
Variant of Kelly: War. Lively. Aggressive. an Irish Surname and Modern First Name
Kellie  (Scottish)
Variant of Kelly: Wood. Surname and Place Name That Has Only Been Used As a First Name (Either Gender) in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Kelly  (Gaelic)
Female Warrior (Kelley,Kelli, Kellie)
Melanie  (Greek)
Dark-haired or Dark-complexioned Woman (Melly, Mellie, Melina)
Melinda  (Anglo Saxon)
Grateful Woman (Melly, Mellie, Lindyl
Mellie  (Teutonic)
Industrious, Hard-working
Nellie  (French)
Diminutive of Eleanor, Derived from the Greek Helen
Nellie  (English)
Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: a Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman
Nellie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Nellie  (English)
From Helen
Nellie  (Latin)
Prunellie  (French)
Color of Plum

Additional Names

Bartleah | Ben | Kailey | Helia | Cocheta | Alisa | Einhard | Porfirio | Querida | Ashiq | Linda | Fran | Dena | Amol | Kushala |