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Names That Mean Enda

482 names found for "Enda"   (page 10 of 10) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Looking for names that mean Enda? We couldn't find the exact name Enda, but listed below are some first names meaning Enda or names similar to the word Enda.

Similar Names

Enat | Enid | Enide | Enit | Enyd |

Related Names

Swayn  (English)
Knight's Attendant
Syvwkh  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Cleddyv Kyvwich
Talli  (American)
A Legendary Hero Who Led the Tribe After the Great Flood
Tangwen  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Gweir
Teithi  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gwynnan
Teleri  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Peul
Tendai  (African)
Be Thankful to God
Tendai  (African)
Be Thankful
Teregud  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Iaen
Thorleif  (Norse)
Thor's Descendant
Tringad  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Neued
Tugenda  (German)
Uchdryd  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Erim
Vaishak  (Hindu)
Name of Month in the Hindu Calendar
Venda  (African)
Of the Bantu People
Vorath  (Welsh)
Variant of Iorwerth: Worthy Lord. Derived from 'Ior' and 'Gwerth'. Legendary Son of Maredudd
Wadu  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Seithved
Wanda  (English)
The Wanderer (Vanda, Wendy, Wandie, Wandis, Wenda, Wendeline, Wendi, Wendie, Wendye ). Origin: Teutonic, Old German
Wenda  (English)
Wenda  (German)
Variant of Wanda: Family; Wanderer
Wenda  (Teutonic)
Wenda  (Welsh)
White Wave
Wendale  (English)
Traveler; Wanderer
Wendale  (German)
Traveler; Wanderer
Wendall  (English)
Traveler; Wanderer
Wendall  (German)
Traveler; Wanderer
Wyanet  (Native American)
Yordana  (Basque)
Ysberin  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Fflergant
Ysgawyn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Panon
Zenda  (Greek)
Born of Zeus
Zenda  (Persian)
482 names found for "Enda"   (page 10 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Balen | Elle | Ainslie | Seona | Maizah | Phoenix | Joost | Dorrance | Brand | Antony | Naida | Rozene | Fedelm | Carnig | Octavia |