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Names That Mean Engl

550 names found for "Engl"   (page 2 of 11) 

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Looking for names that mean Engl? We couldn't find the exact name Engl, but listed below are some first names meaning Engl or names similar to the word Engl.

Similar Names

Engel |

Related Names

Andy  (French)
Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Andy  (Portuguese)
Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Angela  (Scottish)
Guiding Spirit, Messenger of God. Borrowed from English
Angelica  (Scottish)
Like an Angel; Heavenly. Borrowed from English
Annabel  (English)
Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World. The Form Annabelle Became Popular in the Mid-oth Century
Annabella  (English)
Variant of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World. The Form Annabelle Became Popular in the Mid-
Annabella  (Latin)
Beautiful, Graceful. Latinized Form of the English Annabel; a Variant of the Latin Amabel. Sometimes Interpreted As a Latin Compound Meaning 'Hello Beautiful
Annabelle  (English)
Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World. The Form Annabelle Became Popular in the Mid-oth Century
Anne  (French)
French Spelling of English Ann, a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain. Famous Bearers: St Anne; King Henry Viii's Wives Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves; Queen Elizabeth's Daughter Princess Anne
Annora  (Latin)
Honour. English Variant of Honora
Antoine  (French)
A French Form of the English Anthony Which is Derived from a Roman Clan Name Meaning Highly Praiseworthy
Archer  (French)
A Bowman. an English Surname
Archer  (English)
Bow, a Bowman. Derived from a Surname of Latin Origin Borne by Skilled Middle Ages Archers. An English Surname
Archibald  (English)
True and Bold, Valuable. Introduced from German During the Norman Conquest, Archibald Replaced an Old English Form of the Name
Archibald  (Scottish)
True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Archie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Archy  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Arlo  (Italian)
Variant of English Charles 'A Man.'
Arnaud  (English)
Variant of Arnold: Derived from an Old German Name Meaning Eagle Power. The Eagle Rules. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, and Used for a Number of English Surnames. Famous Bearer: B
Arnold  (English)
Derived from an Old German Name Meaning Eagle Power. The Eagle Rules. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, and Used for a Number of English Surnames. Famous Bearer: British Poet and Cri
Ashley  (English)
Lives in the Ash Tree Grove. Derived from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Word for Ash Wood. Famous Bearer: Ashley, the Male Character in Margaret Mitchell's Popular 'Gone With the W
Ashley  (English)
Lives in the Ash Tree Grove. Derived from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Word for Ash Wood. Famous Bearer: Ashley, the Male Character in Margaret Mitchell's Popular 'Gone With the W
Atheistan  (English)
From the Old English Aethelstan Meaning Noble Stone. Atheistan Was an Anglo-saxon King. Sir Walter Scott Used the Name Atheistan in His Novel Ivanhoe
Audrey  (English)
Variant of Etheldreda: from the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Famous Bearer: St Etheldreda, Later Known As St Audrey, Founded a Monastery at Ely
Averil  (English)
From the Old English Everild, Which is Derived from Words Meaning Boar-battle. The Modern from Averil Evolved in the Th Century. Also Means 'Opening Buds of Spring; Born in April. '
Aylmer  (English)
Infamous. from the Old English Aethelmaer Meaning Noble and Famous. Used As a First Name During the Middle Ages, Aylmer Later Became More Popular As a Surname
Aylwin  (English)
Variant of Alvin: Wise Friend. from the Old English Aetheiwine, and Also Aefwine, Both Meaning Noble Friend. Various Forms of Alvin in Use After the Norman Conquest Became Surnames, and Also First Nam
Ayoob  (Muslim)
Variant of Ayub: a Biblical Prophet's Name. Job is the English Language Equivalent
Ayub  (Muslim)
A Biblical Prophet's Name. Job is the English Language Equivalent
Ayyoob  (Muslim)
Variant of Ayub: a Biblical Prophet's Name. Job is the English Language Equivalent
Baldie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Baldwin  (English)
From the Old English Bealdwine, or the Old German Equivalent Baldavin, Meaning Bold Friend. Frequently Used in Medieval Britain, and Was the Basis of a Number of Surnames
Barclay  (Scottish)
The Scottish Spelling of the English Surname Barkeley, Meaning Birch-wood or the Birch Tree Meadow
Barnet  (English)
Of Honorable Birth. Also Derives from the Old English Word for Burning. Also in Use As a Variant of Bernard
Barry  (Irish)
Fair Haired. Also from the Irish Word for Spear. Used Regurarly Throughout the English-speaking World Since the Early Th Century
Beata  (Latin)
Happy; Many. This Name Has Rarely Been Found in the English Speaking World After the Th Century
Bedford  (English)
Derived from the English Place Name, Meaning Bede's Ford. Most Frequently Used As a Surname
Bel  (English)
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Bell  (English)
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Belle  (English)
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Beornheard  (English)
The Old English Variant of the German Bernard, Meaning Bear-hard
Berkeley  (English)
Derived from the Old English for Birch-wood. Used As a Surname More Frequently Than a First Name. Lives at the Birch Tree Meadow
Berta  (English)
Variant of Bertha: from Old English Beorht Meaning Bright. in Use Since the Norman Conquest. in World War I a German Howitzer Was Nicknamed Big Bertha
Bertha  (English)
From Old English Beorht Meaning Bright. in Use Since the Norman Conquest. in World War I a German Howitzer Was Nicknamed Big Bertha
Beulah  (Hebrew)
Married, to Marry, Claimed As a Wife. This Old Testament Place Name Became Common in English-speaking Countries After the Reformation. Famous References - in the Bible Beulah is a Name Symbolic of the
Brad  (English)
Diminutive of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bradlea  (English)
Variant of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bradlee  (English)
English Surnames Related to Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. Note: This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc
Bradleigh  (English)
Variant of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bradley  (English)
Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
550 names found for "Engl"   (page 2 of 11) 

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