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Names That Mean Eric

385 names found for "Eric"   (page 5 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Eric? We couldn't find the exact name Eric, but listed below are some first names meaning Eric or names similar to the word Eric.

Similar Names

Earc | Eirik | Erc | Erek | Erich | Erick | Erico | Erik | Eriq | Eros |

Related Names

Freddie  (German)
Diminutive of Frederic: from the Old German Name Frithuric, Meaning Peaceful Ruler
Freddy  (German)
Diminutive of Frederic: from the Old German Name Frithuric, Meaning Peaceful Ruler
Freddy  (German)
From the Name Frederick
Fredek  (German)
Diminutive of Frederick: Merciful Leader
Fredek  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Frederick 'Peaceful Ruler'
Fredek  (Russian)
Russian Form of Frederick 'Peaceful Ruler'
Frederic  (German)
From the Old German Name Frithuric, Meaning Peaceful Ruler
Frederic  (French)
Peaceful Ruler
Frederic  (Teutonic)
Peaceful Ruler
Frederica  (Teutonic)
Tranquil Leader
Frederica  (Teutonic)
Peace-ruler, Peace-loving, Passionate, Reliable
Frederica  (German)
Peaceful, Feminine Form of Frederick (Fredericka, Freda)
Frederica  (German)
From the Name Fredrica
Frederica  (German)
Feminine Form of Frederic: from the Old German Name Frithuric, Meaning Peaceful Ruler
Frederich  (German)
Variant of Frederick: Merciful Leader
Frederick  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Brother to Duke, and Usurper of His Dominions
Frederick  (German)
Peaceful (Fred, Fredric, Freddy, Fritz, Frederic, Eric, Rick, Ricky)
Frederick  (German)
Peaceful Ruler
Frederick  (Teutonic)
Peaceful Ruler
Frederick  (German)
Peaceful Ruler. from the Old German Name Frithuric. Famous Bearers: Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, Prussian King Frederick the Great
Frederick  (Teutonic)
Peace-ruler, Peace-loving, Versatile, Musical, Passionate
Frederico  (Italian)
Peaceful Ruler
Frederico  (Spanish)
Peaceful Ruler
Frederico  (German)
Variant of Frederick: Merciful Leader
Frederik  (German)
Variant of Frederick: Merciful Leader
Frederika  (German)
Feminine Form of Frederic: from the Old German Name Frithuric, Meaning Peaceful Ruler
Fredrica  (German)
Feminine Form of Frederic: from the Old German Name Frithuric, Meaning Peaceful Ruler
Fredrika  (German)
Feminine Form of Frederic: from the Old German Name Frithuric, Meaning Peaceful Ruler
Freed  (English)
Form of Frederick
Frieda  (German)
A Feminine Form of Frederick. Famous Bearer: the Twentieth Century German Wife of British Writer D. H. Lawrence
Friedrich  (German)
Variant of Frederick: Merciful Leader
Friedrick  (German)
Nickname Variant of Frederick 'Peaceful Ruler.'
Fritz  (German)
Contraction of Frederick
Fritzi  (German)
Nickname for Frederica. Peaceful Ruler
Fryderyk  (Polish)
Polish Form of Frederick 'Peaceful Ruler'
Gamaliel  (Hebrew)
God's Reward. Recompense of God. A Biblical Name Adopted by Th Century Puritans. Famous Bearers: American President Warren Gamaliel Harding
Gary  (English)
Hard or Bold Spear. A Diminutive of Garret, Which is an English Variant of the German Gerard. Also a Diminutive of Gareth and Garrick Famous Bearer: American Actor Gary Cooper
Genderine  (Islamic)
Feminine Name for Gender. it Was Adopted from Turkey to England in the Late 1800's and Then Brought Over to the Americas by a Sailor Named Harry Alexander Truman the 15th
Gene  (English)
Abbreviation of Eugene, Meaning Well-born. Famous Bearers: American Actors Gene Kelly and Gene Hackman
Genera  (Latin)
Generic, the Same
Genero  (Latin)
General, Generic
Georgia  (English)
A Feminine Form of the Greek George, Meaning Tiller of the Soil, or Farmer. Famous Bearer: the American State of Georgia, Named After British King George Ii
Gerald  (German)
He Who Rules by the Sword (Gerry, Gerard, Gerick, Jerald)
Gerica  (English)
Blend of Geri Plus Erica
Gericka  (English)
Blend of Geri Plus Erica
Gerika  (English)
Blend of Geri Plus Erica
Geronimo  (Greek)
Sacred Name. Variant of the Saint's Name Jerome. Th Century American Indian Geronimo Was One of the Last of the Apache Warrior Chiefs
Ginger  (English)
A Diminutive of Virginia, Meaning Pure, Chaste, Virginal. A Common Nickname for People With Red Hair. Also Means Pep or Liveliness, Refering to the Pungent Ginger Root. Famous Bearer: American Dancer-
Glen  (Gaelic)
Derived from the Gaelic 'Gleana', Meaning Valley. Used Both As a Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: American Singer Glen Campbell
Gloria  (Latin)
Glory. Famous Bearer: a Character in Playright George Bernard Shaw's 'You Never Can Tell', and American Actress Gloria Swanson
385 names found for "Eric"   (page 5 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Elroy | Ham | Camden | Enrique | Urvasi | Lizzy | Crispin | Faer | Blanch | Vilma | Dysis | Harvey | Chayna | Abiram | Frederica |