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Meaning of the Name Erics

The first name Erics is of Norse origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Norse: Feminine Form of Eric: Ever or Eternal Ruler. Island Ruler. Famous Bearer: Norwegian Explorer Eric the Red

Similar Names

Erc | Eric | Erich | Erick | Erico | Erik | Eriq | Eros | Eiric | Eirica |

Related Names

Eric  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Erick  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Ericson  (Scandinavian)
Son of Eric 'Ever Kingly.'
Erik  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus

Additional Names

Emest | Deana | Regenweald | Yashpal | Marta | Adriane | Ryzard | Tava | Ruta | Britt | Paton | Ellette | Bozez | Baghel | Akbar |