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Names That Mean Erie

69 names found for "Erie"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Erie? We couldn't find the exact name Erie, but listed below are some first names meaning Erie or names similar to the word Erie.

Similar Names

Earie | Er | Eri | Eryi | Eir | Erea |

Related Names

Marjo  (English)
Variant of the French Margerie
Meriel  (Arabic)
Meriel  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Shining Sea
Meriel  (English)
Variant of Muriel, Meaning Shining Sea
Meriel  (Celtic)
Variant of Muriel: Bright Sea
Montgomery  (Scottish)
From Montgomerie
Neried  (Greek)
The Sea Nymphs
Phylacteries  (Biblical)
Things to Be Especially Observed
Phylacteries  (Biblical)
Things to Be Especially Observed
Sheree  (Contemporary)
Dear/Dearest Adapted from Cherie
Valerie  (Spanish)
Love, Beautiful, Smile, Light, Happiness
Valerie  (French)
Fierce One
Valerie  (Latin)
Strong; Healthy
Valerie  (English)
Strong; Valiant. Feminine of the Roman Family Clan Name Valerius
Valerie  (French)
Fierce (Val, Valaree, Valaria, Valerye, Valli, Vallie)
Valerie  (French)
Vallerie  (French)
To Be Strong
Yeriel  (Hebrew)
Founded by God
Zachary  (English)
Variant of Zachariah 'Jehovah Has Remembered.' Has Experienced a Revival in Modern Times. Zachery

Additional Names

Benaya | Indra | Padmanabh | Magdala | Calla | Habaiah | Ezhno | Kendra | Talmadge | Galm | Torin | Talula | Jumanah | Jokin | Barram |