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Names That Mean Erina

77 names found for "Erina"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Erina? We couldn't find the exact name Erina, but listed below are some first names meaning Erina or names similar to the word Erina.

Similar Names

Eran | Erian | Erin | Eriyn | Ermin | Ern | Ernan | Erno | Eron | Erwin |

Related Names

Katherine  (English)
Pure. Used Since Third Century A. D. Early Latin Forms Katerina and Caterina Became Katharine and Catherine. French Cateline and English Catlyn Came into Wider Use During Medieval Period When Variants
Kathleen  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kathleen  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffere
Kathryn  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kathryn  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffere
Kathy  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kathy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Katle  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Katle  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Katriane  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Katy  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Katy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Kay  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kiska  (Russian)
Nick Name for Katerina
Kitty  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Kitty  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Nenine  (Greek)
Ocean Spirit (Neerida, Nerina, Nerissa, Neryssa)
Nerina  (Latin)
Named for the Nereides
Nerina  (Greek)
Sea Nymph
Nerina  (Greek)
The Sea Nymphs
Petruchio  (Shakespearean)
'The Taming of the Shrew' Petruchio, a Gentleman of Verona, a Suitor to Katherina
Serina  (English)
Calm, Serene (Reena, Rena, Sarina, Serene)
Serina  (Latin)
Tangerina  (English)
From Tangiers
Verina  (Teutonic)
Defending Friend
Verina  (German)
Yekaterina  (Russian)
The Early Queen, (Russian Queen)

Additional Names

Galen | Alick | Laurita | Wahanassatta | Alcamene | Duha | Giancarlo | Sharifa | Quillan | Matz | Darra | Amaryllis | Damia | Dolaidh | Genesis |