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Names That Mean Errin

114 names found for "Errin"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Errin? We couldn't find the exact name Errin, but listed below are some first names meaning Errin or names similar to the word Errin.

Similar Names

Earwin | Ehren | Eran | Erian | Erin | Eriyn | Ermin | Ern | Ernan | Ernie |

Related Names

Kylar  (Irish)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kyle  (Gaelic)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kyle  (Irish)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kylen  (Gaelic)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kylen  (Irish)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kyler  (Gaelic)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kyler  (Irish)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kyndall  (English)
Royal Valley, Referring to Kent in England
Kyrell  (Gaelic)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kyrell  (Irish)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Lachina  (Scottish)
Land of the Lochs; a Feminine Form of Scottish Lachlan and Lachann (Land of the Lochs), Which are Derived from Lochlann, a Name That Originated As a Term Referring to Migrant Norwegians Who Came from
Lachlan  (Scottish)
Warlike. Land of Fjords (Referring to the Vikings). from the Land of Lakes
Locke  (English)
Lives by Tbe Stronghold. Surname Referring to a Lock or Locksmith
Lorah  (German)
Variant of Laura Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorah  (German)
Variant of Laura Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loranna  (German)
Variant of Laura Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loreen  (English)
Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loreene  (English)
Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorena  (English)
Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorene  (English)
Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorenia  (English)
Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorenna  (English)
Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loreta  (English)
Diminutive of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loreta  (Latin)
Diminutive of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loretta  (Latin)
Diminutive of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory. A Saint's Name
Lorette  (English)
Diminutive of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorette  (English)
Diminutive of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorette  (Latin)
Diminutive of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loria  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loria  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorian  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loriana  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loriann  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorianne  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loriel  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorilee  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorilynn  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorinda  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loris  (English)
Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorita  (German)
Variant of Laura Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Lorna  (Scottish)
Feminine of Lorne from Loren Referring to the Laurel Tree Symbolic of Honor or Victory. Heroine of Blackmoore's Novel Lorna Doone
Lorrina  (English)
Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Perrin  (French)
French Form of Peter
Perrin  (Greek)
Perrin  (Latin)
Selvyn  (English)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees
Silvano  (Latin)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees. A Number of Saints Bore the Name
Silverio  (Portuguese)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees
Silverio  (Spanish)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees
Silvino  (Spanish)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees
114 names found for "Errin"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Rinc | Joy | Muhtadi | Ksanochka | Moshe | Saundra | Gaius | Aglauros | Eirene | Gwendolyn | Nevan | Fearghall | Karlin | Gawain | Marvin |