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Meaning of the Name Esmee

The first name Esmee is of French origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Feminine Form of Esme: an Old French Variant of the Latin 'Aestimatus' Meaning Esteemed, or 'Amatus' Meaning Loved

Similar Names

Esme | Eshne | Esma |

Related Names

Edmee  (Scottish)
Derived from French Esmee (Loved). Variations: Edme. (Ed-may)

Additional Names

Dinah | Natalie | Brite | Zenaide | Maelynn | Oram | Inez | Birgitta | Vartan | Sunee | Innis | Nila | Shelly | Luda | Tan |