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Meaning of the Name Ethel

62 names found for "Ethel"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Ethel is of English, German, Hebrew, Teutonic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Diminutive of Ethelinda: from Aethelind, the Old English Name Meaning Noble Snake. Diminutive of Etheldreda, from the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Diminutive of Eldreda f
English: Noble
German: Noble
Hebrew: Noble
Teutonic: Noble
Teutonic: Noble, Sensible, Irresponsive, Talkative

Similar Names

Edel | Etel |

Related Names

Aethelbald  (Anglo Saxon)
A King of Mercia
Aethelbeorht  (English)
Aethelbeorn  (English)
Noble Warrior
Aethelberht  (English)
Noble or Bright
Aethelbert  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelbert  (English)
Noble or Bright
Aethelflaed  (Anglo Saxon)
Sister of King Edward
Aethelfrith  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelhard  (English)
Aethelhere  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelind  (English)
An Old English Name from an Old German Name Meaning Noble Snake
Aethelisdun  (English)
From the Noble's Hill
Aethelmaer  (English)
Noble or Famous
Aethelmaere  (English)
Aethelred  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelreda  (English)
Noble Maiden
Aethelstan  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelstun  (English)
From the Elfs Home
Aethelthryth  (Anglo Saxon)
Wife of King Ecgfrith
Aethelthryth  (English)
An Old English Name from 'Aethel' Meaning Noble and 'Thryth' Meaning Strength
Aethelweard  (English)
Noble Protector
Aethelwine  (English)
Friend of the Elves
Aethelwulf  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelwyne  (English)
Friend of the Elves
Atheistan  (English)
From the Old English Aethelstan Meaning Noble Stone. Atheistan Was an Anglo-saxon King. Sir Walter Scott Used the Name Atheistan in His Novel Ivanhoe
Audrey  (English)
Variant of Etheldreda: from the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Famous Bearer: St Etheldreda, Later Known As St Audrey, Founded a Monastery at Ely
Aylmer  (English)
Infamous. from the Old English Aethelmaer Meaning Noble and Famous. Used As a First Name During the Middle Ages, Aylmer Later Became More Popular As a Surname
Bethel  (Hebrew)
House of God
Bethel  (Hebrew)
House of God, from a Biblical Place Name
Betheli  (Hebrew)
House of God
Bethell  (Hebrew)
House of God, from a Biblical Place Name
Dreda  (English)
Diminutive of Etheldreda: from the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Diminutive of Eldreda: the Feminine Form of Eldred, Which is a Variant of Aldred, Meaning Old Counsel, or
El-beth-el  (Biblical)
The God of Bethel
El-beth-el  (Biblical)
The God of Bethel
Etel  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Ethel, Meaning Noble
Eth  (English)
Diminutive of Ethel: from the Old English 'Aethel' Meaning Noble. Also a Diminutive of Etheldreda, Ethelinda, and Other Feminine Names Beginning With Ethel-. Famous Bearer: American Actresses Ethel Me
Ethelbald  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Ethelbert  (English)
Splendid. from the Old English Name Aethelbeorht, Meaning Noble and Bright. Famous Bearers: Two English Kings of the Th and Th Centuries
Ethelbert  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Ethelda  (English)
Noble in Counsel
Ethelda  (Teutonic)
Wise Advisor
Ethelde  (Teutonic)
Wise Advisor
Etheldreda  (English)
From the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Famous Bearer: St Etheldreda, Later Known As St Audrey, Founded a Monastery at Ely
Ethelind  (Teutonic)
62 names found for "Ethel"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

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