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Meaning of the Name Ethelbert

The first name Ethelbert is of Anglo Saxon, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Anglo Saxon: Name of a King
English: Splendid. from the Old English Name Aethelbeorht, Meaning Noble and Bright. Famous Bearers: Two English Kings of the Th and Th Centuries

Related Names

Aethelbert  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelbert  (English)
Noble or Bright

Additional Names

Boyce | Ferris | Aldred | Alphonsine | Cleopatra | Giolla Chriost | Khalon | Nantres | Olga | Ulf | Nityasundar | Gazabar | Khalid | Joyanna | Vimal |