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Names That Mean Etta

188 names found for "Etta"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Etta? We couldn't find the exact name Etta, but listed below are some first names meaning Etta or names similar to the word Etta.

Similar Names

Eda | Eth | Etu | Eyota | Eada | Edda | Edita | Editta | Edyta | Ettie |

Related Names

Ada  (English)
Wealthy. Also from the Old German Eda or Etta, Meaning Happy. Introduced from Germany. Also a Diminutive of Adela, Adelalde, or Adeline
Aletta  (Latin)
Winged One
Aletta  (Spanish)
Winged One
Aletta  (Italian)
Aletta  (Latin)
Ametta  (English)
Modern Variant of Amold
Amoretta  (Latin)
Little Love
Andettan  (Anglo Saxon)
Andranetta  (Greek)
Manly. Brave. Feminine Form of Andrew
Andranetta  (Latin)
Feminine of Andrew
Anetta  (Hebrew)
Angeletta  (French)
Little Angel
Antoinetta  (Latin)
Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony
Antonetta  (Latin)
Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony
Antonetta  (Swedish)
Antonietta  (Italian)
Aquanetta  (English)
Contemporary Created Name. Aqua is the Blue-green Sea Color
Arietta  (English)
Arietta  (Greek)
Variant of Mythological Ariadne Who Aided Theseus to Escape from the Cretan Labyrinth
Arletta  (Latin)
Latinized Form of the French Arlette
Arletta  (French)
Variant of Arlette: Derived from a Feminine Diminutive of Charles, Meaning Manly. A Medieval Given Name
Arthuretta  (English)
Feminine Form of Arthur: from the Roman Clan Name Artorius, Meaning Noble, Courageous. Famous Bearer: Legendary Sixth Century King Arthur of Britain and His Round Table of Knights
Benedetta  (Italian)
Benetta  (Latin)
Benetta  (Latin)
Feminine of Benedict
Bernetta  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Betta  (Latin)
Feminine of Benedict
Birgetta  (Swedish)
Bretta  (English)
Brit. A Native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Bretta  (French)
Brit. A Native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Bretta  (Celtic)
From Britain
Brettany  (English)
Brit. A Native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Brettany  (French)
Brit. A Native of England: (Britain) or France: (Brittany)
Brietta  (Celtic)
Brigetta  (Swedish)
Brunetta  (Italian)
Dark Haired
Brunetta  (German)
Feminine Form of Bruno: from the Old German 'Brun' Meaning Brown
Carletta  (Spanish)
Feminine Form of Charles: Manly
Coletta  (French)
Victorious. Variant of Nicolette
Colletta  (French)
Victorious. Variant of Nicolette
Concetta  (Italian)
From the Latin Cencepta, Meaning Conceived, a Reference to the Immaculate Conception
Concetta  (Spanish)
Reference to the Immaculate Conception
Concetta  (Latin)
Variant of Concepta: Conceived, a Reference to the Immaculate Conception
Conchetta  (Spanish)
Reference to the Immaculate Conception
Cora  (Greek)
Maiden, Other Forms Corinne, Ingenuous, Vague, Idealistic.(Cory, Corey, Corette, Coretta, Corinne, Corita)
Coretta  (French)
Little Maiden
Coretta  (Greek)
Coretta  (English)
Variant of Cory Meaning Variously: from the Round Hill; Seething Pool; or Ravine
Coretta  (Irish)
Variant of Cory Meaning Variously: from the Round Hill; Seething Pool; Ravine
Danetta  (Hebrew)
God is My Judge
188 names found for "Etta"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Ian | Sampreet | Rati | Ila | Ekram | Ratana | Boghos | Omphale | Golda | Konni | Edward | Rydge | Ferko | Piroska | Cephas |