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Meaning of the Name Evak

The first name Evak is of Hindu origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Equal

Similar Names

Evza | Evzek | Evika | Evike |

Related Names

Devak  (Hindu)
Father of Devaki
Devak  (Hindu)
Devaki  (Hindu)
A God
Devaki  (Indian)
Devaki  (Hindu)
Mother of Krishna
Devaki  (Indian)
mother of Krishna
Devakinandan  (Hindu)
Son of Devaki,Shri Krishna
Devavardhan  (Hindu)
Brother of Devaki (Devavardan)

Additional Names

Dhatri | Brandyn | Petrov | Briannon | Jeannette | Isak | Capta | Irene | Laraine | Venilia | Innocenty | Aveline | Trey | Dinhabah | Aletea |