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Names That Mean Ever

374 names found for "Ever"   (page 5 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Ever? We couldn't find the exact name Ever, but listed below are some first names meaning Ever or names similar to the word Ever.

Similar Names

Eber | Epher |

Related Names

Guinevere  (Welsh)
Fair One (Genevieve, Guenevere, Ginevra)
Gus  (German)
Revered, Exalted
Gussie  (Latin)
Revered, Sacred
Gusta  (Latin)
Revered, Sacred
Guste  (Latin)
Revered, Sacred
Gusty  (American)
Revered, Windy
Gwenevere  (Arthurian Legend)
Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen. Jennifer Derives from This Name
Gwenhwyfach  (Arthurian Legend)
Guinevere's Sister
Hakeem  (Islamic)
Knows Everything (Hakim, Haakim, Hakiem)
Haneef  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanif: True Believer. Orthodox
Haneefa  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanifa: True Believer
Hanif  (Islamic)
The Believer of Islam
Hanif  (Muslim)
True Believer. Orthodox
Hanifa  (Muslim)
True Believer
Hanifah  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanifa: True Believer
Heather  (English)
A Flowering Evergreen Plant That Thrives on Peaty Barren Lands As in Scotland. Heather
Hideaki  (Japanese)
Wisdom, Clever Person
Hideaki  (Japanese)
Wisdom,Clever Person
Hilary  (Latin)
Cheerful, Sympathetic, Gay, Ingenuous, Never Becomes Sophisticated. (Hilaire, Hillary)
Ibaad  (Islamic)
Believer in God
Indeever  (Indian)
blue lotus
Irene  (Greek)
Peace. an Early Christian Martyr, and Later Borne by Several Byzantine Empresses
Israel  (Hebrew)
May God Prevail. He Struggles With God. God Perseveres; Contends. in the Bible When Jacob Was in His Nineties As a Token of Blessing God Changed His Name to Israel
Iva  (English)
A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant
Ivalyn  (English)
A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant
Ivey  (English)
A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant
Ivey  (English)
A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant. Ivy
Ivie  (English)
A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant
Ivyanne  (English)
A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant
Jah  (Biblical)
The Everlasting
Jah  (Biblical)
The Everlasting
Jen  (Cornish)
Diminutive of Jennifer: Fair and Yielding. Variant of Guinevere
Jenifer  (Cornish)
Variant of Jennifer: Fair and Yielding. Variant of Guinevere
Jenifer  (English)
Variant of Jennifer Common in Cornwall. Derived from Guinevere. in Arthurian Mythology Guinevere Was Arthur's Queen
Jenifer  (Arthurian Legend)
Variant of Guinevere: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen
Jennie  (Cornish)
Diminutive of Jennifer: Fair and Yielding. Variant of Guinevere
Jennifer  (Celtic)
White Wave, Courageous, Graceful, Srtaightforward. (Jen, Jena, Jenna, Jennie, Jenny Jenifer, Jeni, Guinevere, Genevive)
Jennifer  (Arthurian Legend)
Variant of Guinevere: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen
Jennifer  (Welsh)
Fair One. Variant of Guinevere. in Arthurian Mythology Guinevere Was Arthur's Queen
Jennifer  (English)
Fair One. Variant of Guinevere. in Arthurian Mythology Guinevere Was Arthur's Queen
Jennifer  (Cornish)
Fair and Yielding. Variant of Guinevere
Jenny  (Cornish)
Diminutive of Jennifer: Fair and Yielding. Variant of Guinevere
Jinelle  (Welsh)
From Guinevere, Fair
John  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. in the Bible John the Baptist Baptized Christ in the Jordan River. Variants Have Been Created in Almost Every Language
Jolyon  (Latin)
Variant of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. from Latin 'Julianus'. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. in the Middle Ages, the Name Julian Was Used for Children of E
Jonathan  (Hebrew)
The Lord's Gift, Severe, Upright, Unforgiving, Possesses a Keen Sense of Duty
Julian  (English)
Jove's Child. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. Biblical Roman Centurion Julius Saved Paul's Life During a Hazardous Voyage
Julian  (Latin)
Youthful. Jove's Child. from Latin 'Julianus'. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. in the Middle Ages, the Name Julian Was Used for Children of Either Gender, But i
Jumoke  (African)
Loved by Everyone
Kambo  (African)
Must Work for Everything
374 names found for "Ever"   (page 5 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Corentine | Caenis | Yashaskar | Emunah | Asgrim | Obed | Malaika | Daisi | Aurelia | Miles | Orabelle | Erasto | Sihtric | Hugh | Eldred |