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Meaning of the Name Evie

The first name Evie is of Hebrew, Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Life
Latin: Diminutive of Eva: Living One. The Latin Form of the Hebrew Eve
Hebrew: Diminutive of Eve: Life, Living, Lively. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Mother of the Human Race Who Tasted the Forbidden Fruit, Precipitating the Fall of Man

Similar Names

Ebbe | Ev | Evi | Evoy | Effie | Ephie | Eppie | Eva | Eve | Evia |

Related Names

Genevie  (German)
Of the Race of Women
Genevie  (French)
Of the Race of Women
Genevieve  (French)
White Wave; Patron Saint of Paris, France, Saved Paris from Atila the Hun
Genevieve  (Celtic/Gaelic)
White Wave
Genevieve  (Celtic)
White Wave
Genevieve  (German)
Of the Race of Women. White Wave. Famous Bearer: Saint Genevieve is the Patron Saint of Paris, Believed to Have Protected Paris from Attila the Hun
Genevieve  (French)
Of the Race of Women. White Wave
Genevra  (Italian)
Italian Form of Genevieve, Meaning White Wave, of the Race of Women, Fair and Yielding
Genica  (American)
Combination of Genevieve and Jessica
Ginette  (German)
Variant of Genevieve: of the Race of Women. White Wave. Famous Bearer: Saint Genevieve is the Patron Saint of Paris, Believed to Have Protected Paris from Attila the Hun
Guinevere  (Welsh)
Fair One (Genevieve, Guenevere, Ginevra)
Jenavieve  (English)
Phonetic Variant of Genevieve
Jeneva  (English)
Phonetic Variant of Genevieve
Jenevieve  (English)
Modern Phonetic Variant of Genevieve
Jennavieve  (English)
Phonetic Variant of Genevieve
Jenneva  (English)
Phonetic Variant of Genevieve
Naqqaad  (Muslim)
Variant of Naqqad: Critic. Reviewer
Naqqad  (Muslim)
Critic. Reviewer
Reuben  (Hebrew)
Behold a Son, Youthful, Enthusiastic, Ambitious, a Born Leader and Organizer.(Reubin, Reuven, Revie, Rubin)
Steve  (English)
Abbreviation of Steven and Stephen Often Used As an Independent Name. Stevie is Also Used for Girls
Steven  (Greek)
Garland, Crown (Stephen, Stefan, Steve, Stevie, Stefano, Etienne, Esteban, Estevan, Stephanas, Stepan, Stepka)
Stevie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Stevie  (English)
Abbreviation of Steven and Stephen Often Used As an Independent Name. Stevie is Also Used for Girls
Stevie  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Stevie  (American)
From the Name Steven
Zenevieva  (Celtic)
Zenevieva  (Russian)
Russian Form of Genevieve: White Shoulders
Zenevieva  (Russian)
White Wave (Zinerva)
Zenevieva  (Slavic)
White Wave

Additional Names

Lasea | Bowdoin | Amie | Ollie | Ciro | Frasier | Colum | Nathalia | Felicia | Orquidia | Wethrleah | Kassidy | Saligram | Amie | Darice |