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Meaning of the Name Faer

The first name Faer is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Traveler

Similar Names

Faber | Fabre | Fareh | Faro | Farr | Farry | Feri | Frey | Freyr | Fabra |

Related Names

Clarinda  (English)
A Variant of Clara. The Name Clarinda Appears in Spenser's Th Century Poem 'The Faerie Queene'
Faerie  (Muslim)
Tall. Pretty
Faerrleah  (English)
From the Bull's Pasture
Faerwald  (English)
Powerful Traveler

Additional Names

Dustin | Nagachandra | Sydnee | Cori | Cristoforo | Arryo | Moncha | Marlina | Noe | Lalana | Karen | Iona | Aarif | Erysichthon | Albert |