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Meaning of the Name Farnham

The first name Farnham is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: From the Fern Field

Similar Names

Faran | Farhaan | Farhan | Farmaan | Farman | Farnam | Farnum | Farran | Fearnhamm | Fernham |

Related Names

Farnam  (English)
Variant of Farnham: Fern Meadow
Farnum  (English)
Variant of Farnham: Fern Meadow
Fernham  (English)
Variant of Farnham: Fern Meadow

Additional Names

Mesrop | Fergus | Zorah | Daphnis | Harelache | Augy | Martino | Pratigya | Kaleb | Aleekcheaahoosh | Seamus | Mia | Baudier | Lida | Dominica |