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Meaning of the Name Fawz

The first name Fawz is of Arabic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Arabic: Accomplishes

Similar Names

Faas | Fa'iq | Fawaz | Fawzi | Fayiz | Fawzia | Fews |

Related Names

Fawzi  (Islamic)
Victory, Achievement
Fawzi  (Arabic)
Fawzia  (Arabic)
Fawziyyah  (Muslim)
Variant of Fauzia: Victorious. Triumphant. Successful

Additional Names

Idalee | Dea Roma | Huey | Deidra | Morris | Eshne | Roscoe | Maree | Tymon | Marleina | Krystabelle | Ciara | Prudence | Annemarie | Bochim |