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Names That Mean Ferenc

64 names found for "Ferenc"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Ferenc? We couldn't find the exact name Ferenc, but listed below are some first names meaning Ferenc or names similar to the word Ferenc.

Similar Names

Franc | Fereng | French |

Related Names

Lorda  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Lourdes  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Louredes  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Magda  (Slavic)
Abbreviation of Magdalena.Woman from Magdala. Reference to Biblical Mary Magdalene
Magda  (German)
German Diminutive of Magdalene: Woman of Magdala. 'Maiden'. Reference to Biblical Mary Magdalene
Marilis  (Greek)
Abbreviation of Amaryllis - the Flower Amaryllis; Poetic Reference to a Simple Shepherdess or Country Girl
Mendi  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Molara  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Naiara  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Natividad  (Spanish)
Reference to the Nativity
Temple  (English)
Reference to Medieval Priories and Settlements of the Military Religious Order Knights Templars
Temple  (Latin)
Reference to Medieval Priories and Settlements of the Military Religious Order Knights Templars
Tyrus  (English)
Modern Blend of Tyrone and Cyrus; or a Reference to the Ancient Phoenician City of Tyre
Yera  (Basque)
Reference to the Virgin Mary

Additional Names

Nika | Sa'ood | Cyning | Sinon | Kaitlan | Collins | Ekalavya | Franca | Baltsaros | Niyaaz | Cowin | Sabina | Jimbo | Oto | Cai |