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Meaning of the Name Fern

The first name Fern is of English, Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: From the Fern Plant (Feme)
Greek: Feather
English: A Fern Plant or See Ferdinand
English: A Green Plant That Loves Shade. Fern

Similar Names

Faran | Farin | Faron | Farun | Feran | Fermin | Ferran | Ferron | Fran | Fyren |

Related Names

Dantae  (Spanish)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Dantae  (Italian)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Dante  (Spanish)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Dantel  (Italian)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Dantel  (Spanish)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Daunte  (Italian)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Daunte  (Spanish)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Farnall  (English)
From the Fern Slope
Farnam  (English)
Variant of Farnham: Fern Meadow
Farnell  (English)
From the Fern Slope
Farnham  (English)
From the Fern Field
Farnlea  (English)
Variant of Farnley: Fern Field
Farnleigh  (English)
Variant of Farnley: Fern Field
Farnley  (English)
Fern Field
Farnly  (English)
From the Fern Meadow
Farnum  (English)
Variant of Farnham: Fern Meadow
Fearnhamm  (English)
From the Fern Field
Fearnhealh  (English)
From the Fern Slope
Fearnleah  (English)
From the Fern Meadow
Fernald  (English)
From the Fern Slope
Fernand  (French)
Fernand  (German)
Variant of Ferdinand: Brave Traveler
Fernanda  (Latin)
Adventurous. Feminine of Fernando
Fernanda  (German)
Adventurous. Feminine of Fernando
Fernanda  (Teutonic)
Fernande  (Teutonic)
Fernando  (Spanish)
Daring, Adventurous
Fernando  (German)
Variant of Ferdinand: Brave Traveler
Fernando  (Spanish)
A Variant of Ferdinand, Meaning Adverturer
Ferne  (English)
A Green Plant That Loves Shade
Fernham  (English)
Variant of Farnham: Fern Meadow
Fernleigh  (English)
Variant of Farnley: Fern Field
Fernley  (English)
Variant of Farnley: Fern Field
Freddi  (German)
Adventurous. Feminine of Fernando
Holofernes  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Schoolmaster
Inferna  (Latin)
Proserpina's Surname
Josephine  (Hebrew)
Addition, Alert, Successful, Passionate. Fern. of Joseph (Joe, Joey, Joline, Joleen, Jolene, Josee, Josey, Josie, Josephina, Josy)
Judith  (Hebrew)
Praise,Proud, Tender, Masterful; Also Fern. of Judah. (Judi, Judie, Judy)
Martina  (Latin)
Fern. of Martin (Martine, Tina)
Ngaire  (Maori)
Silver Fern
Niobe  (Greek)
Rhedyn  (Welsh)

Additional Names

Fruma | Casluhim | Duncan | Katalyn | Torne | Chaucer | Boris | Chinara | Starr | Valerie | Isohel | Rolando | Evelina | Shim'on | Munir |