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Meaning of the Name Finley |
The first name Finley is of Celtic/Gaelic, Gaelic, Irish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Similar Names
Finlay |
Related Names

Fair-haired Warrior;An Anglicized Form of Fionnlagh and Fionnia, Compound Names Composed of the Gaelic Elements Fionn (White, Fair) and Laogh (Warrior, Calf). Variations: Finley. (Fin-lay)
Additional Names
Egan | Kaumudi | Maadai | Aoidh | Shaila | Nenine | Aeneas | Ala | Kaleem | Rajamma | Harosheth | Calli | Blayne | Wilbur | Trace |