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Meaning of the Name Fleur

The first name Fleur is of French, English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Flower (Fleurette, Fleurine)
French: Flower
French: Flower. Famous Bearer: British Writer John Galsworthy's Heroine in 'The Forsyte Saga'
English: Variant of Flower: Flower - a Nature Name

Similar Names

Flair | Flor |

Related Names

Blanchefleur  (French)
White Flower
Fleurette  (French)
Little Flower
Flora  (Latin)
Flowers, Pleasure-loving, Hard Working, Placid. (Fleur)
Flora  (French)
Variant of Fleur: Flower
Flower  (French)
Variant of Fleur: Flower
Harfleur  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Governor of Harfleur

Additional Names

Kaleena | Kassi | Coby | Samarth | Frodina | Savea | Valena | Dana | Ax | Trunarayan | Tathir | Brodrick | Apolline | Zavrina | Simon |