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Meaning of the Name Flute

The first name Flute is of Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Flute, a Bellows-mender, Acts As Thisby in the Play Within the Play

Similar Names

Flede | Fleta | Flita | Flyta |

Related Names

Bansi  (Indian)
Chalil  (Hebrew)
Euterpe  (Greek)
Muse of the Flute
Halil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalil: Flute
Hallil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalil: Flute
Len  (Native American)
Flute (Hopi)
Len  (Native American)
Flute (In Hopi Indian), Short for Leonard
Len  (Native American)
Lenmana  (Native American)
Flute Girl (Hopi)
Lenmana  (Native American)
Flute Girl
Piper  (English)
Flute Player
Thisby  (Shakespearean)
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Flute, a Bellows-mender, Acts As Thisby in the Play Within the Play
Vamshi  (Hindu)
The Flute

Additional Names

Misenos | Raaghib | Remington | Jay | Valerijs | Sebasten | Lyonette | Enam | Janoah | Feodras | Gimzo | Laurencia | Fabrizio | Arbor | Ford |