Chance(English) Good Luck; Good Fortune; Chancellor
Chance(French) Fortune; a Gamble. Variant of Chauncey
Chancey(English) Variant of Chauncey: Chancellor; Secretary; Fortune; a Gamble
Chaunce(French) Fortune; a Gamble. Variant of Chauncey
Chauncey(English) Chancellor; Secretary; Fortune; a Gamble
Chauncey(French) Fortune; a Gamble. from a Surname Based on a French Place Name. Famous Bearers: Charles Chauncy, an Early Harvard University President
Chauncy(English) Variant of Chauncey: Chancellor; Secretary; Fortune; a Gamble
Chauncy(French) Variant of Chauncey Meaning, Fortune; a Gamble. Famous Bearers: Charles Chauncy, an Early Harvard University President
Edmund(English) Wealthy Protection; Derived from the Old English Eadmund (Wealthy Protection), a Name Composed of the Elements Ead (Prosperity, Riches, Fortune) and Mund (Hand, Protection). Short Names: Ed. Pet Names
Edward(English) Guardian of the Riches; Derived from the Old English Eadweard, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Ead (Riches, Prosperity, Fortune) and Weard (Guardian, Protector). Short Names: Ed, Ned, Ted. Pe
Fortuna(Latin) Fortune, Fortunate. The Mythological Roman Oman Goddess of Luck, Fortune and Chance, Often Depicted With the Wheel She Turned to Attract Success or Failure. She Also Steered Lives With a Rudder