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Names That Mean France

135 names found for "France"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean France? We couldn't find the exact name France, but listed below are some first names meaning France or names similar to the word France.

Similar Names

Franc | Francis | Franco | Franek | Frang | Frank | Franki | Frankie | Franky | Frans |

Related Names

Franki  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Frankie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Francis: Meaning from France, or Free One
Frankie  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
Frankie  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Frannie  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
Franny  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
French  (American)
From France
Gaston  (French)
From Gascony, France
Genevieve  (French)
White Wave; Patron Saint of Paris, France, Saved Paris from Atila the Hun
Giverny  (French)
Town in France
Gwilenhin  (Welsh)
Legendary King of France
Iona  (Welsh)
Legendary King of France
Isabel  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Queen of France
Katharine  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Queen Katharine, Wife to King Henry, Afterwards Divorced. 'Love's Labours Lost' a Lady Attending on the Princess of France
Katherine  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Daughter to Charles and Isabel, King and Queen of France
Lacey  (American)
From Normandy, France
Lewis  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' the Dauphin. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Lewis Xi, King of France. 'King John' Lewis, the Dauphin
Loordes  (Basque)
Place in France Where Virgin Mary Reportedly Appeared to a Young Girl and Miracles of Healing Subsequently Took Place
Loordes  (Basque)
Place in France Where Virgin Mary Reportedly Appeared to a Young Girl and Miracles of Healing Subsequently Took Place
Loraina  (French)
Derived from Lorraine Which is the Name of a Province in France and a Family Name of French Royalty
Lorayne  (French)
Derived from Lorraine Which is the Name of a Province in France and a Family Name of French Royalty
Lorraina  (French)
Derived from Lorraine Which is the Name of a Province in France and a Family Name of French Royalty
Lorraine  (Scottish)
A Surname Derived from the Name of a Province in Eastern France Which is Derived from the Latin Lotharingia (Territory of the People of Lothar). Variations: Lorane. Short Forms: Lori, Lorri. (Lor-rane
Lou  (French)
Diminutive of Louis: Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Eighteen Kings of France Have Borne This Name, and Louis Was Used by the French Royal Family for Hundreds of Years. Famous Bearer
Louis  (French)
Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Eighteen Kings of France Have Borne This Name, and Louis Was Used by the French Royal Family for Hundreds of Years. Famous Bearer: Jazz Musician Louis
Lourdes  (French)
Section of France Where Virgin Mary Was Seen
Mansel  (French)
Surname Derived from 'Le Mans' in France
Mansell  (French)
Variant of Mansel: Surname Derived from 'Le Mans' in France
Marcade  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Lord Attending on the Princess of France
Maria  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Lady Attending on the Princess of France. 'Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Olivia's Waiting Woman
Norman  (German)
Man from the North. Vikings That Settled in France Were Called Normans (Hence the Normandy Region of France)
Normandy  (French)
Provence in France
Paris  (French)
City in France
Philip  (Shakespearean)
'King John' Bastard Half Brother to Robert Faulconbridge. 'King John' King Philip of France
Rosaline  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Lady Attending on the Princess of France
135 names found for "France"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Arun | Rumina | Annapurna | Romeo | Edur | Japhet | Gall | Mamun | Brandyn | Huz | Ramya | Peninah | Elishah | Artimis | Wren |