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Meaning of the Name Frank

The first name Frank is of French, Latin, English, Teutonic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: A Diminutive of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One. Famous Bearer: American Singer Frank Sinatra
Latin: Diminutive of Francis: Meaning from France, or Free One
English: Diminutive of Franklin: Free Land-owner
French: Free (Francis,Frankie)
Latin: Free
Teutonic: Free

Similar Names

Franc | France | Franco | Franek | Frang | Franki | Frankie | Franky | Frans | Franz |

Related Names

Boris  (Russian)
Fight. Fighter. Famous Bearers: Russian Writer Boris Pasternak, Author of Dr Zhivagoz; Boris Godunov, Tsar of Russia from to ; British Actor Boris Karloff, Who Played Frankenstein's Monster In
Charity  (Greek)
Love, Calm, Forgiving, Frank, Melancholy at Times
Clement  (Latin)
Merciful, Tolerant, Frank, Kind-hearted
Frances  (Teutonic)
Free, Pretentious, Generous, Attractive. (Fanny, Fannie, Fran, Frannie, Francesca, Francine, Frankie)
Francis  (Teutonic)
Free, Another Form is Frank, Skilful, Fearless, Lively, Independent
Francis  (Latin)
Frenchman (Fran, Franc, France, Francois, Frankie, Franz)
Francisco  (Spanish)
Form of Frank
Francisco  (Spanish)
Variant of Frank. Also a Spanish Variant of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One
Franco  (French)
Variant of Frank: a Diminutive of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One. Famous Bearer: American Singer Frank Sinatra
Franco  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Francisco: Variant of Frank. Also a Spanish Variant of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One
Frang  (Gaelic)
Franki  (English)
Diminutive of Franklin: Free Land-owner
Franki  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Frankie  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
Frankie  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Frankie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Francis: Meaning from France, or Free One
Frankie  (French)
Diminutive of Frank: a Diminutive of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One. Famous Bearer: American Singer Frank Sinatra
Frankie  (English)
Diminutive of Frank 'Free; a Free Man.' Frankie is Occasionally Used for Girls
Franklin  (Teutonic)
Franklin  (English)
Free Man
Franklin  (German)
Free Man (Frank, Franklyn)
Franklin  (English)
Derived from 'Francoleyn' Meaning a Free Born Landowner. Famous Bearer: American President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklyn  (English)
Free Man; Landholder
Franklynn  (English)
Variant of Franklin: Free Land-owner
Franky  (Latin)
Diminutive of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: Movie Producer Francis Ford Coppola
Franky  (English)
Diminutive of Franklin: Free Land-owner
Franky  (French)
Diminutive of Frank 'Free; a Free Man.' Frankie is Occasionally Used for Girls
Frannsaidh  (Gaelic)
Franz  (German)
German Form of Frank
Guyapi  (Native American)
Ikhlaas  (Muslim)
Variant of Ikhlas: Frankness. Sincerity
Ikhlas  (Muslim)
Frankness. Sincerity
Labana  (Biblical)
The Moon, Whiteness, Frankincense
Labana  (Biblical)
The Moon, Whiteness, Frankincense
Lanfranco  (Italian)
Derived from a Name of Germanic Origin Composed from of Landa- 'Earth' and Franka 'Free', Meaning 'Free Man in His Country'
Lebonah  (Biblical)
The Moon, Whiteness, Frankincense
Lebonah  (Biblical)
The Moon, Whiteness, Frankincense
Mukhlis  (Muslim)
Sincere. Frank
Pancho  (Spanish)
Nickname for Francisco and Frank
Proinsias  (Gaelic)

Additional Names

Azalea | Aingeal | Earlina | Xanthus | Caton | Orzora | Ragnild | Dacian | Nina | Lorne | Iphicles | Bered | Gurbachan | Xia | Madalena |