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Meaning of the Name Fredrick

The first name Fredrick is of German, Scandinavian, Teutonic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: From the Old German Name Frithuric, Meaning Peaceful Ruler
Scandinavian: Peaceful Ruler
Teutonic: Peaceful Ruler

Similar Names

Frederek | Frederic | Frederich | Frederick | Frederico | Frederik | Fredric | Fredrik | Friedrich | Friedrick |

Related Names

Fredricka  (German)
Peaceful Ruler
Frieda  (English)
A Variant of Freda, from Fredrick, Meaning Peaceful Ruler

Additional Names

Kalman | Hilary | Celestin | August | Bagwunagijik | Nalini | Darel | Logan | Uri | Alvah | Brys | Kacey | Palma | Prescott | Dennison |