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Names That Mean French

414 names found for "French"   (page 8 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean French? We couldn't find the exact name French, but listed below are some first names meaning French or names similar to the word French.

Similar Names

Ferenc | Franc | France | Franco | Franca | Franci |

Related Names

Luther  (English)
Lute Player. Derived from Old French 'Luthier'. Famous Bearer: American Black Civil-rights Leader Martin Luther King
Lyle  (English)
The Island or from the Island. from Old French 'L'Isle'
Madonna  (Italian)
My Lady. Respectful Form of Address Similar to the French 'Madame.' Used to Signify Virgin Mary or Art Depicting Her As a Mother
Mallory  (French)
Unfortunate; Ill Fated. Derived from an Old French Surname
Malory  (French)
Variant of Mallory: Unfortunate; Ill Fated. Derived from an Old French Surname
Marcella  (Scottish)
Derived from the French Marcelle, a Feminine Form of Marcel. Uncertain Derivation and Meaning. (Mar-seh-lah)
Margerie  (English)
Variant of the French Margerie
Marji  (English)
Variant of the French Margerie
Marji  (English)
Variant of the French Margerie
Marjo  (English)
Variant of the French Margerie
Marquisa  (French)
Variant of Marquise. Royalty. French Royalty Title
Marquise  (French)
Royalty. French Royalty Title
Marquisha  (French)
Variant of Marquise. Royalty. French Royalty Title
Marsaili  (Scottish)
A Pearl;A Gaelic Form of Margery, Which is a Variant of Margaret and Marcella, a French Name. Var: Marsail. (Mar-say-lee)
Maurice  (Latin)
Moorish; Dark-skinned; Swarthy. Famous Bearer: French Singer/Actor Maurice Chevalier
Melun  (Shakespearean)
'King John' a French Lord
Melville  (Scottish)
A Scottish Surname Based on a French Place Name
Michele  (French)
French Form of Michael
Mignon  (French)
Darling ('Mignon' in French). Delicate
Montjoy  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' a French Herald
Myra  (English)
Tearful (In French: Quite Strong)
Ned  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Neddie  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Neddy  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Nicholas  (Scottish)
Victory of People. Used from the Old French Nicolas, Which is from the Latin Nicolaus, a Derivative of the Greek Nikolaos, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Nike (Victory) and Laos (The People)
Nicolette  (English)
The People's Victory (French Feminine Form of Nicholas). Origin: Greek
Oilbhries  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Oliver, a Name of Debated Meaning. it is Thought to Be Derived from French Olivier (Olive Tree). Some Believe it is of Germanic Origin, Alfihar, a Compund Name Composed Of, Alf (Elf) an
Ondyaw  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of a French Duke
Paris  (French)
The French Capital
Pascal  (French)
Name of a Great French Mathematician Who Lived in 17th Century. Click Here to Learn More!
Perren  (French)
French Form of Peter
Perrin  (French)
French Form of Peter
Perry  (French)
French Form of Peter
Perryn  (French)
French Form of Peter
Philibert  (French)
French Derivitive of the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright. Famous Bearer: Th Century French Abbot St Philibert
Piers  (French)
French Variant of Peter: Stone; a Rock. Famous Bearer: Science-fiction Author Piers Anthony
Quentin  (Scottish)
A Borrowing from the French, Quentin is from the Latin Quenttnus, a Derivative of the Roman Personal Name Quintus, Which is from Quintus (The Fifth)
Raelle  (Western)
Rae - Wise Protection (German) Elle - Female/Girl (French). Origin: French, German
Rambures  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' a French Lord
Richard  (English)
A Borrowing from the Old French, Richard is Derived from the Old High German Richart, a Compound Name Composed from the Elements Ric, Rik (Power, Ruler) and Hard (Strong, Brave, Hearty). Short Forms:
Selena  (French)
Variant of Celine: French Form of the Latin 'Caelum' Meaning Sky or Heaven. Also a Variant of Celia
Selina  (French)
Variant of Celine: French Form of the Latin 'Caelum' Meaning Sky or Heaven. Also a Variant of Celia or Selena
Seymour  (French)
From St. Maur (French Place Name)
Sheena  (English)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favour. A Feminine Form of John. Variant of Joan. from the Old French Jehane. Famous Bearer: American Actress Jayne Mansfield (-)
Sherri  (English)
From the French 'Cheri' Meaning Darling or Dear One. Also, from the White Meadow
Sherry  (English)
From the French 'Cheri' Meaning Darling or Dear One. Also, from the White Meadow
Sian  (English)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favour. A Feminine Form of John. Variant of Joan. from the Old French Jehane. Famous Bearer: American Actress Jayne Mansfield (-)
Sinead  (English)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favour. A Feminine Form of John. Variant of Joan. from the Old French Jehane. Famous Bearer: American Actress Jayne Mansfield (-)
Siobhan  (English)
Variant of Joan: God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John Famous Bearers: Legendary Pope Joan, Who Was a Woman Masquerading As a Man; French Heroine Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc); Actresses Joan Crawford,
Stella  (French)
Diminutive of Estella: Derived from the Old French Form of the Latin 'stella' Meaning Star. Famous Bearer: the Heroine of Charles Dickens' Novel 'Great Expectations'
414 names found for "French"   (page 8 of 9) 

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Additional Names

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