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Names That Mean Friend

607 names found for "Friend"   (page 10 of 13) 

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Looking for names that mean Friend? We couldn't find the exact name Friend, but listed below are some first names meaning Friend or names similar to the word Friend.

Related Names

Noah  (Hebrew)
Rest, Silent, Strong, Slow, Loyal Friend and Devout Lover
Noam  (Hebrew)
Noam  (Hebrew)
Pleasant Friend
Norvin  (English)
Friend of the North
Norvyn  (English)
Friend of the North
Norwin  (English)
Friend of the North
Norwyn  (English)
Friend of the North
Novia  (Spanish)
New, Girlfriend
Nyssa  (Scandinavian)
Friendly Elf
Nysse  (Scandinavian)
Friendly Elf
Odakota  (Native American)
Friend (Sioux)
Odakota  (Native American)
Odakota  (American)
Oldwin  (English)
Special Friend
Oldwina  (English)
Special Friend
Oldwyn  (English)
Special Friend
Ordwin  (English)
Spear Friend
Ordwine  (English)
Spear Friend
Orva  (English)
Special Friend
Orva  (Anglo Saxon)
Brave Friend
Orvin  (Anglo Saxon)
Brave Friend
Orvin  (English)
Spear Friend
Orvyn  (Anglo Saxon)
Brave Friend
Orvyn  (English)
Spear Friend
Oswin  (English)
Divine Friend; God's Friend
Oswin  (Scandinavian)
God's Friend
Owen  (Celtic)
Lamb, or Young Warrior, Fearless, Faithful, Imaginative, Has Many Friends
Patroclus  (Latin)
A Friend of Achilles
Patroclus  (Greek)
Achilles' Best Friend
Philario  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' an Italian Friend to Posthumus
Philo  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Mark Antony
Philo  (Greek)
Friend; Loves or Loved
Phylo  (Greek)
Pirithous  (Greek)
Friend of Theseus
Proculeius  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Caesar
Purumitra  (Indian)
friend of city
Pylades  (Greek)
Friend of Orestes
Radha  (Hindu)
A Forite Friend of the God Krishna
Rafiki  (African)
Rafiq  (Islamic)
Friend, Companion
Ragau  (Biblical)
Friend; Shepherd
Raguel  (Biblical)
Shepherd; or Friend of God
Raham  (Biblical)
Compassion, a Friend
Rei  (Biblical)
My Shepherd; My Companion; My Friend
Reu  (Biblical)
His Friend; His Shepherd
Reuel  (Biblical)
The Shepherd or Friend of God
Reuel  (Hebrew)
Friend of God
Ruta  (Hebrew)
Ruth  (Hebrew)
Beauty, Dreamy, Impassive, Goodlooking, Everybody's Friend (Ruthie, Ruta)
Ruth  (Hebrew)
A Companion, Friendship
607 names found for "Friend"   (page 10 of 13) 

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Additional Names

Mateyah | Leandrew | Adrik | Ortrude | Sa'eed | Rigg | Dana | Jarita | Alexia | Demelza | Jayanti | Jeremiah | Dierdre | Attheaeldre | Bishamon |