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Names That Mean Gael

366 names found for "Gael"   (page 1 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Gael? We couldn't find the exact name Gael, but listed below are some first names meaning Gael or names similar to the word Gael.

Similar Names

Gaal | Gail | Gaile | Gal | Galal | Gale | Gali | Gall | Gayle | Geol |

Related Names

Adaih  (Gaelic)
Red Earth; Gaelic Form of Adie, Which is a Pet Form of Adam
Adair  (Scottish)
From the Oak Tree Ford. Uncertain Origin. May Be a Variant of Edgar, or from the Gaelic for 'Oak Tree Ford'. Used for Many Hundreds of Years As Both Surname and First Name
Adhamh  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Adam
Aeneas  (Scottish)
Sometimes Used in Scotland As a Translation of the Gaelic 'Aonghus'
Aidan  (Irish)
Warm; Little Fire. A Masculine Variant of Eshne from Irish Gaelic. Famous Bearer: Actor Aidan Quinn
Aidan  (Irish)
Little Fire (Aden, Aiden). Origin: Gaelic
Aiden  (Irish)
Little Fire (Aidan). Origin: Gaelic
Aigneis  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Forms of Agnes
Ailbeart  (Gaelic)
Bright Through Nobility; Gaelic Form of Albert
Ailie  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Ailis: the Scottish Gaelic Form of Alice
Ailis  (Gaelic)
The Scottish Gaelic Form of Alice
Ailsa  (Scottish)
Derived from a Scottish Place Ailsa Craig, a Small Island Off the Ayrshire Coast. Also Used to Anglicize Ealasaid, the Gaelic Form of Elizabeth. (Ail-sa)
Aimil  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Amelia
Aindrea  (Gaelic)
Manly; Gaelic Form of Andrew
Aine  (Irish)
Ardent. Variant of Eshne: Little Fire, from Irish Gaelic
Ainslee  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Surname Derived from a Place Ainsley. Variations: Ainslie. (Ainz-lee)
Ajthne  (Irish)
Ardent. Variant of Eshne: Little Fire, from Irish Gaelic
Al  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Alistair: a Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Alana  (Gaelic)
This Name of Uncertain Origin May Be a Feminine Form of Man, or Derived from the Irish Gaelic Word for 'Child'
Alanna  (Gaelic)
This Name of Uncertain Origin May Be a Feminine Form of Man, or Derived from the Irish Gaelic Word for 'Child'
Alasdair  (Gaelic)
A Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Alasdair  (Gaelic)
Defender of Mankind; Gaelic Form of Alexander. Variations: Alex
Alistair  (Gaelic)
A Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Alistair  (Irish)
The Gaelic for Alexander
Allie  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Alistair: a Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Ally  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Alistair: a Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Almili  (Gaelic)
Work; Gaelic Form of Amelia, Which is an English Variant of the Germanic Amalia. (Aim-ee-lee). (Ain-jeh-lah)
Amhlaidh  (Scottish)
Ancestor's Relic. Gaelic Form of Olaf. Olaf is a Compound Name Composed of the Old Norse Elements Anu (Ancestor) and Laf (What is Remaining, Relic)
Angus  (Irish)
From the Gaelic Aonghus, Meaning One Choice, or One Vigor. No Longer in Common Use in Ireland.One Vigor
Angusina  (Scottish)
Unique Choice; a Feminine Form of Angus, the Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Aonghus and Aonghas, Both of Which are Derived from the Element Aon (One, Choice, Preeminent). (Ain-guh-see-nah)
Annag  (Gaelic)
Gracious; Full of Grace; Gaelic Form of Anna. (An-nah)
Arailt  (Gaelic)
Army Leader; Gaelic Form of Harold
Arlan  (Irish)
Variant of Arlen: Gaelic Word Meaning 'Pledge; Promise; Oath'
Arlen  (Irish)
Gaelic Word Meaning 'Pledge; Promise; Oath'
Arlin  (Irish)
Variant of Arlen: Gaelic Word Meaning 'Pledge; Promise; Oath'
Arlyn  (Irish)
Variant of Arlen: Gaelic Word Meaning 'Pledge; Promise; Oath'
Arregaithel  (Gaelic)
From the Land of the Gaels
Artair  (Gaelic)
High Minded; Gaelic Form of Arthur
Aulay  (Scottish)
Ancestor; Forefather. A Variant of Olaf Which Derives from the Scottish Gaelic Amhblaibh
Ayden  (Irish)
Little Fire; Feminine Form of Aiden. Origin: Gaelic
Barabal  (Gaelic)
Foreign Woman; Gaelic Form of Barbara. (Bahr-ah-bahl)
Bealantin  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Ballantine
Bean  (Scottish)
Life; Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Beathan (Life)
Bearnard  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Bernard
Bearnard  (Scottish)
Bold or Strong As a Bear; Gaelic Form of Bernard
Bearnas  (Gaelic)
Bringer of Victory; Gaelic Form of Berenice. (Bear-nus)
Beathan  (Scottish)
Life; Derived from the Gaelic Beatha (Life). The Name is Anglicized As Both Bean and Benjamin
Beitidh  (Gaelic)
God is My Oath; Gaelic Form of Betsy and Betty Which are Pet Forms of Elizabeth. (Beh-tee)
Beitris  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Beatrice
Benneit  (Gaelic)
Blessed; Gaelic Form of Benedict
366 names found for "Gael"   (page 1 of 8) 

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Additional Names

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