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Meaning of the Name Galan

The first name Galan is of Anglo Saxon, Greek origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Anglo Saxon: Sings
Greek: Tranquil. for Years Accepted Medical Practices Were Based on the Research of Nd Century Physician Galen

Similar Names

Gaelan | Galen | Galeno | Galeun | Galm | Galyn | Gaylen | Gilen | Gilon | Glen |

Related Names

Galantyne  (Arthurian Legend)
Gawain's Sword
Gurgalan  (Arthurian Legend)
A Pagan King

Additional Names

Muireadhach | Teimhnean | Zebedee | Cass | Joda | Davin | Gwalchmei | Ennis | Jermane | Josue | Crystal | Del | Quinn | Gerrald | Amado |