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Meaning of the Name Gaspar

The first name Gaspar is of French, Hispanic, Persian, Spanish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: French Form of Caspar
Hispanic: Master of Treasure
Persian: Treasure Master
Spanish: Treasure

Similar Names

Gaspara |

Related Names

Gaspara  (Spanish)
Gaspard  (French)
French Form of Caspar
Gaspard  (Spanish)
Jaspar  (Arabic)
Variant of Caspar or Gaspar: Keeper of the Treasure
Jasper  (Persian)
Keeper of Treasure. Derived from Gaspar or Caspar
Jasper  (Persian)
Treasure Bearer (Gasper, Gaspar, Kaspar)
Jasper  (Arabic)
Variant of Caspar or Gaspar: Keeper of the Treasure

Additional Names

Balram | Ysberin | Maimuna | Hazeroth | Gwynn | Samara | Ogaleesha | Wynne | Alecia | Anirudhha | Cupid | Sid | Nahiossi | Antonio | Caradog |