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Meaning of the Name Gatha

The first name Gatha is of Indian, Persian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Indian: Song
Persian: Song

Similar Names

Gada | Gadhi | Gath | Goath | Gita | Githa | Gitta | Gota | Gustha | Gytha |

Related Names

Agacia  (Latin)
Latinized Form of the Greek Agatha, Meaning Good. Popular During the Middle Ages
Agacia  (Greek)
Variant of Agatha: Good. St. Agatha Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr. Agatha Was Popular During the Middle Ages. Famous Bearer: TwentieBritish Mystery Writer Agatha Christie
Agafia  (Russian)
Russian Form of Agatha. Good
Agatha  (Greek)
A Woman of High Ideals, Good, Brilliant, Lively, Unemotional, Indifferent to Flattery
Agatha  (Irish)
Good (Agata)
Agatha  (German)
Agatha  (Latin)
Agatha  (Greek)
Good. St. Agatha Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr. Agatha Was Popular During the Middle Ages. Famous Bearer: TwentieBritish Mystery Writer Agatha Christie
Agatha  (Greek)
Virtuous, Good
Aggie  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good
Agi  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good
Agotha  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good
Agoti  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good

Additional Names

Gatha | Luyu | Lachesis | Zereld | Lanzo | Arick | Jafita | Pheodora | Esteban | Yonah | Anselmo | Leonatus | Neala | Ludmila | Anisa |