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Names That Mean Gene

261 names found for "Gene"   (page 5 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Gene? We couldn't find the exact name Gene, but listed below are some first names meaning Gene or names similar to the word Gene.

Similar Names

Gann | Gino | Guni | Gunn | Gwen | Gana | Gem | Gen | Genna | Genny |

Related Names

Ludim  (Biblical)
Nativity, Generation
Macawi  (Native American)
Macbeth  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Thane of Glamis and Cawdor, a General in the King's Army, Who Murders King Duncan and Takes His Crown
Maddock  (Welsh)
Generous, Giving
Maher  (Irish)
Makram  (Islamic)
Noble, Generous
March  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Edward, Earl of March and Son to Richard Plantagenet, Afterwards King Edward Iv
Matthew  (Hebrew)
Gift of the Lord, Practical, Honest, Generous. (Matt, Mathias, Matteo)
Menelaus  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' Brother to the Greek General
Miyoko  (Japanese)
Beautiful Generation Child (Miyo)
Moladah  (Biblical)
Birth, Generation
Moladah  (Biblical)
Birth, Generation
Molid  (Biblical)
Nativity, Generation
Molid  (Biblical)
Nativity, Generation
Mun'im  (Muslim)
Benefactor. Generous
Musawenkosi  (African)
Lord's Generosity
Nada  (Muslim)
Generosity. Dew
Nadda  (Arabic)
Nawfal  (Muslim)
Generous. Old Arabic Name for the Sea
Northumberland  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, and ' Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland. 'King Henry Vi, Part Iii' Earl of Northumberland 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Siward, Earl of Northumberland, English General, and Young Siward,
Oswald  (Teutonic)
Divine Power, Firm, Generous, Proud, Dignified
Othello  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice' Othello, the Moor, General of the Venetian Forces
Owain  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy; American Playwright Eugene O'Neill
Owain  (English)
Variant of Ewen: Variant of Eoghan or Eugene
Owen  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy
Owen  (English)
Variant of Ewen: Variant of Eoghan or Eugene
Owen  (Welsh)
Young Warrior. Also Can Be a Variant of Eugene: Well-born
Owena  (Welsh)
Feminine Form of Owen: Young Warrior. Also Can Be a Variant of Eugene: Well-born
Plantagenet  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Sir Richard Vernon. Falstaff. 'Henry Vi, Part and ', 'King Henry V', Richard Plantagenet, Afterwards Duke of York, Cou
Plantagenet  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Reignier's Daughter, Afterwards Married to Henry Vi. 'Henry Vi, Part Iii' Queen Margaret. 'Much Ado About Nothing' Gentlewoman Attending on Hero. 'King Richard Iii' King Henry Vi's W
Quasim  (Hindu)
Old Generation
Ratchiff  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Iv' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. Sir Richard Vernon. 'King Henry V' & 'Henry Vi, , , & ', Richard Plantagenet. His Son, Richard. 'Richard Ii'. 'Richard Iii' Richard, Duke of York, Edward
Renze  (Dutch)
Unsure the Contributr Says: Its Been Passed Down in My Family for Over 20 Generations
Richard  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Iv' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. Sir Richard Vernon. 'King Henry V' & 'Henry Vi, , , & ', Richard Plantagenet. His Son, Richard. 'Richard Ii'. 'Richard Iii' Richard, Duke of York, Edward
Richard  (Teutonic)
Stern King, Witty, Energetic, Generous, He Believes in Plain Speaking
Rutland  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Earl of March. Scroop. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Edmund, Earl of Rutland and Son to Richard Plantagenet
Ryker  (Dutch)
Surname Form of Richard. Commander Ryker from the Tv Show Star Trek: the Next Generation
Sakhaawat  (Muslim)
Variant of Sakhawat: Suppleness. Generosity
Sakhawat  (Muslim)
Suppleness. Generosity
Sakhee  (Muslim)
Variant of Sakhi: Generous. Liberal
Sakhi  (Muslim)
Generous. Liberal
Samah  (Muslim)
Samihah  (Muslim)
Sigenert  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Siward  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Siward, Earl of Northumberland, General of the English Forces. Also Young Siward, His Son
Tamam  (Muslim)
Tartan  (Biblical)
A General (Official Title)
Taurus  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Lieutenant-general to Caesar
Titus  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Titus Lartius, a General Against the Volscians. 'The Life of Timon of Athens' Timon's Servant. 'The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus' Titus Andronicus, a Noble Roman
Tolad  (Biblical)
A Generation
261 names found for "Gene"   (page 5 of 6) 

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Additional Names

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