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Meaning of the Name Genesis

The first name Genesis is of Biblical, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: Beginning
Biblical: Beginning
Hebrew: Beginning
Hebrew: Origin; Birth. Genisis is the Name of the First Book in the Bible. 'Genisia' - the Virgin Mary of Turin - is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition

Similar Names

Ganesh | Genius | Ganesa | Genessa | Genisa | Genisia | Genisis | Ginessa |

Related Names

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Abraham  (Hebrew)
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Additional Names

Wallis | Pansy | Conaire | Anaharath | Ximena | Wynfield | Macauley | Mara | Thao | Norberte | Abdul Shakoor | Fletcher | Francia | Brocly | Bajith |