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Meaning of the Name Gerri

The first name Gerri is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Modern Form of Gerry

Similar Names

Garai | Garr | Garry | Gear | Geary | Geir | Geiri | Gera | Gerry | Gorre |

Related Names

Germaine  (French)
Exquisite, She Who is Exquisite (Gerry, Gerrie, Geri)
Gerrilyn  (English)
Blend of Geri Plus Marilyn
Gerrit  (English)
Spear Hard
Gerrit  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear
Gerritt  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear

Additional Names

Heru | Jennessa | Adela | Cathal | Abisha | Inbal | Manica | Mat | Geneva | Lionel | Wyatt | Kalare | Fairlee | Corey | Wyome |