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Meaning of the Name Giovanni

The first name Giovanni is of Italian, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Gift from God
Italian: God is Gracious
Italian: Italian Forrn of John 'God is Gracious' Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan

Similar Names

Geovani | Geovanni | Geovanny | Geovany | Giovani | Giovanny | Giovany | Giovonni | Govan | Govannon |

Related Names

Gino  (Italian)
Italian Form of Louis 'Famous' Abbreviation of Names Like Gian and Giovanni
Giovanna  (Italian)
Feminine Form of Giovanni: Gift from God
Gricelda  (German)
Gray; Gray-haired. Italian Author Giovanni Boccaccio Used the Name for an Exceptionally Patient Fictional Wife - Thus the Expression 'Patience of Griselda'
Griselda  (Latin)
Gray; Gray-haired. Italian Author Giovanni Boccaccio's Used the Name for an Exceptionally Patient Wife - Thus the Expression 'Patience of Griselda
Gryselda  (German)
Gray; Gray-haired. Italian Author Giovanni Boccaccio's Used the Name for an Exceptionally Patient Fictional Wife - Thus the Expression 'Patience of Griselda
Jeovana  (English)
Feminine of Giovanni; Variant of Jovana
Jeovanna  (English)
Feminine of Giovanni; Variant of Jovana

Additional Names

Magda | Sibilla | Chansomps | Obelia | Leah | Valarie | Kitty | Deshi | Montana | Claud | Regin | Cleta | Luighseach | Adolf | Phillip |