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Names That Mean Grand

72 names found for "Grand"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Grand? We couldn't find the exact name Grand, but listed below are some first names meaning Grand or names similar to the word Grand.

Similar Names

Graent | Grant |

Related Names

Ina  (English)
A Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' (Ie. Christina) Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Jalaal  (Muslim)
Variant of Jalal: Grandeur. Glory. Glory of the Faith
Jalal  (Muslim)
Variant of Jelal: Loftiness. Sublimity. Glory. Also Grandeur, Glory, Glory of the Faith
Kibriya'  (Muslim)
Grandeur. Glory
Kibriyaa'  (Muslim)
Variant of Kibriya': Grandeur. Glory
Kibriyyah  (Muslim)
Variant of Kibriya': Grandeur. Glory
Ledaea  (Latin)
Granddaughter of Leda
Leon  (French)
Lion. The Lion is a Figure in Art and Religious Symbolism of Many Cultures; Symbolizing Kingliness and Grandeur and Courage
Leon  (German)
Lion. The Lion is a Figure in Art and Religious Symbolism of Many Cultures; Symbolizing Kingliness and Grandeur and Courage
Lion  (English)
Lion. The Lion is a Figure in Art and Religious Symbolism of Many Cultures; Symbolizing Kingliness and Grandeur and Courage
Nickan  (Persian)
Goodness of Grandparents
Nixkamich  (Native American)
Grandfather (Algonquin)
Nokomis  (Native American)
Grandmother (Chippewa)
Omar  (Hebrew)
Eloquent. Speaker. The Grandson of Esau in the Old Testament. Famous Bearers: Th Century Persian Poet and Astronomer and Mathematician Omar Khayyam; Caliph Omar Ii, Who Made Islam an Imperial Power; A
Pitamaha  (Indian)
Ronda  (Welsh)
Ruth  (Hebrew)
Companion; Friend; Vision of Beauty. in the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess Was the Great Grandmother of King David
Ruthie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Ruth: Companion; Friend; Vision of Beauty. in the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess Was the Great Grandmother of King David
Salome  (Hebrew)
Peace. Tranquil. in the Bible, Salome Was the Granddaughter of Herod the Great Who Asked for the Head of John the Baptist in Return for Dancing for Her Stepfather on His Birthday
Shankara  (Indian)
Sibt  (Muslim)
Grandson. Tribe
Sicheii  (Native American)
Grandfather (Navajo)

Additional Names

Cira | Graden | Moab | Reelaiah | Lesley | Raphael | Emestine | Clarissa | Esli | Gillianne | Audria | Bash | Vitia | Muqbeel | Caldwiella |