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Meaning of the Name Gregory

The first name Gregory is of English, Shakespearean, Greek origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: On the Watch. As the First of Gregory Popes Pope Gregory Fostered the Development of Gregorian Chants. See Also Greg. Gregorio: (Ltalian/Spanish/Portuguese) 'On the Watch.'
Shakespearean: 'The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet' Servant to Capulet
English: Vigilant, a Watchman
Greek: Vigilant, Watchful
Greek: Watchful, Vigilant, Patient, Quiet, Efficient (Graig, Greg, Gregg, Greer, Gregor)
Greek: Watchful. Famous Bearer: American Actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I Who Was Also Known As St Gregory the Great

Similar Names

Greagoir | Greger | Gregoire | Gregor | Gregori | Gregorie | Gregorio | Gregorior | Grigor | Grigori |

Related Names

Gnegon  (Polish)
Polish Form of Gregory 'Wachful'
Graden  (English)
Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Gradon  (English)
Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Graysen  (English)
Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Grayson  (English)
Son of the Reeve or Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Greg  (English)
Diminutive of Gregory, Meaning 'On the Watch'. Often Used As an Independent Name
Greg  (Greek)
Diminutive of Gregory: Watchful. Famous Bearer: American Actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I Who Was Also Known As St Gregory the Great
Greg  (Greek)
From the Name Gregory
Greg  (Scottish)
Vigilant; Short Form of Both Gregor and Gregory. Variations: Gregg, Greig. (Greg)
Greger  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Gregory 'Watchful'
Gregg  (English)
Diminutive of Gregory, Meaning 'On the Watch'. Often Used As an Independent Name
Gregg  (Greek)
Diminutive of Gregory: Watchful. Famous Bearer: American Actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I Who Was Also Known As St Gregory the Great
Gregg  (Greek)
From the Name Gregory
Gregor  (Scottish)
A Variant of Gregory, Meaning 'On the Watch', Which Gave Rise to the Name Mcgregor
Gregor  (Greek)
Variant of Gregory: Watchful or Vigilant
Gregor  (Scottish)
Short Form of Gregory (Vigilant). Griogair is the Gaelic Form. Short Names: Greg, Gregg, Greig. (Greg-or)
Gregor  (English)
A Variant of Gregory, Meaning 'On the Watch.'
Gregorio  (Italian)
Italian Form of Gregory 'Watchful'
Greyson  (English)
Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Griogair  (Gaelic)
Vigilant, a Watchman; a Gaelic Form of Gregory. Anglicization: Gregor. Variations: Griogal. Short Names: Grieg. (Gree-ger)
Krikor  (Armenian)
Armenian Form of Gregory

Additional Names

Davy | Kerwen | Zahid | Odi | Orien | Hedya | Harriet | Tanguy | Pomeroy | Healum | Ghaazi | Abital | Rahil | Thomas | Angelino |