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Meaning of the Name Griffen

The first name Griffen is of Welsh origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Welsh: Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion. Note: This Database is Copyright , Muse Creation

Similar Names

Girven | Griffin | Gruffen | Gruffin | Gruffyn |

Related Names

Griffin  (Welsh)
Fierce (Griffen, Griffith, Griff)
Hippogriff  (Greek)
Part Horse Part Griffen

Additional Names

Ora | Phurah | Dev | Tyrell | Brenda | Cornelus | Pontus | Abdul Jabbar | Leander | Sapphire | Burg | Driscoll | Hazor | Baird | Bolingbroke |