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Meaning of the Name Guenevere

The first name Guenevere is of Welsh, Arthurian Legend, Celtic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Welsh: Fair One
Arthurian Legend: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen. Jennifer Derives from This Name
Welsh: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen. Jennifer Derives from This Name
Celtic: White Lady

Similar Names

Gwenyver | Genevra | Genevre | Guinevere | Guinivere | Gwenevere |

Related Names

Guinevere  (Welsh)
Fair One (Genevieve, Guenevere, Ginevra)

Additional Names

Clara | Calli | Maximilian | Christ | Hamlett | Segulah | Kylash | Findley | Lathan | Zarek | Zita | Alun | Vyacheslav | Aubrey | Jasper |