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Meaning of the Name Gustav

The first name Gustav is of Swedish, French, German origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Swedish: Noble Staff
French: Royal Staff
German: Royal Staff. from the Swedish Gustaf, Meaning Staff of the Gods
German: Staff of God

Similar Names

Gustaf | Gustaof | Gustave | Gustavo | Gusztav | Gustava |

Related Names

Gustaf  (Swedish)
Lord's Cane (Gus, Gustave, Gustav, Gusty, Gustavo)
Gustava  (Spanish)
Staff of the Gods
Gustava  (Teutonic)
God's Staff
Gustava  (Swedish)
Divine Staff
Gustave  (French)
From the Swedish Gustaf, Meaning Staff of the Gods
Gustave  (Latin)
Gustave  (German)
Royal Staff
Gustave  (Scandinavian)
Staff of the Goths
Gustave  (Teutonic)
Staff of the Goths
Gustavo  (Spanish)
Royal Staff
Gustavo  (Italian)
Staff of the Gods
Gustavus  (Teutonic)
Staff of the Goths
Gustavus  (Latin)
Staff of the Gods, or Staff of the Goths
Tave  (French)
From Gustave
Tavin  (French)
A Nickname for Gustav 'Royal Staff.'
Tavin  (German)
A Nickname for Gustav 'Royal Staff.'

Additional Names

Thorndyke | Huette | Arlan | Saffron | Ash | Hermon | Peter | Vega | Janek | Dragon | Beircheart | Wardell | Barnabas | Ivah | Delfina |